21) A new addiction

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The last cigarette sat on his lips,empty box on his hand. The lighter went on and off as the flames ignited for a second and disappeared the next. He was contemplating and hesitating.About what exactly? Maybe it was about her, he doesn't know.

Eventually, he lit up the cigarette,staring out into the open.


The door opened and footsteps were heard hastily making their way towards his direction.

Heeseung didn't get a chance to comprehend the situation when he saw her right in front of him, caught red handed with the cigarette still in his mouth.

Like a deer caught by the headlights,he hadn't expected this,thinking it was sunghoon again.

Immediately removing the cigarette and placing it further behind, he cleared his throat.

"W-What are you doing here?"

She glared at him, staring at the cigarette he had.

"You're smoking, again."

He sighed, unsure about what he should do next.

Tired to explain, he could tell her to get lost, but he couldn't and he wouldn't.

While he was lost in thoughts, the cigarette got snatched form his hand.

He was expecting Kyujin to throw it onto the ground,stomping on it or something but that was not what happened.

Her fingers swiftly placed the cigarette into her mouth, positioning it with her hands.

Snapped back to reality, Heeseung wasted no time to take back the cigarette, trying to stop her from whatever she was trying to do.

The roles has been reversed as Heeseung disposed the cigarette, eyes filled with fury.

"What the fuck are you doing?!"

He shouted at Kyujin.

"I was just-"

"Just? This isn't something funny are you trying to smoke?"

Kyujin watched him as she tried to guess his feelings. Panic? Anger? Worry?

"I know but you do-"

"Doesn't mean I do it you follow. You shouldn't smoke!"

"Then why do you?"

She raised her voice a little, in order to make him hear her.

"That's because...that's not your business, you shouldn't be here. Go home."

He frustratedly said, messing his hair.

"You can't just tell me to go home."

"We'll talk about it another day."

Heeseung didn't want to get mad at her, so the best way was to dismiss it first.

"I'm not leaving until you tell me."


The name felt weird to say, as he rarely called her by her name.

"I told you not to smoke and you said yes. I told you it was bad for your health and you're here doing it, despite agreeing with me."

"I'm sorry but it isn't that easy ok? I have a lot of things in my mind and this thing has nothing to do with you. I'll deal with it myself. Just go home already."

"Then make me."

She challenged. It was like day 1 all over again ,where the two were playing Tom and Jerry in the meeting room,quarrelling and squabbling for a week or so.

Heeseung eyes went cold and hard, approaching Kyujin.

"I said to go home."

"Can't you see I'm trying to help you?"

"Stay out of it."

"Ya Lee Heeseung!"

"Fine I'm addicted to smoking, my life is fucked up and you kept confusing me so I'm trying to give myself a break! Now go home."


Heeseung walked towards the railings and banged his fist against it. He couldn't contain his emotions anymore.

On the other hand, Kyujin felt confused at first then nervousness took over, butterflies in her stomach as she heard his words.

Was that an indirect, not-obvious confession?

She knew he wasn't good with his emotions and not sharing with anybody. Does that mean the feelings mutual?

Her feet made its way to him, the heart controlling whatever she was doing.


She called out his name, anxious as ever, afraid to have taken it the wrong way. There was only one way to find out.

The latter turned around, but the next thing he knew, he felt something soft pressed against his own lips.

For a split second he thought he had been dreaming, the sensation different from a cigarette.

The cigarette was cold, hard like chewing paper. In comparison her lips were...Pillowy and soft. To him, it was way better than a cigarette. His heart racing faster then a sports car as he stared in awe.

Again, he wanted to feel it again. The comfort, the warmth. All of his thoughts disappeared like it never existed, his head empty and clear. This was way stronger than any drug, the effects were remarkable. One second and he's addicted.

"Did you?"

Heeseung asked, unbelievable that she had gave him a kiss.

She didn't dare to reply him, scared and nervous. A small nod was all she managed to do,unable to look at him in the eye.

A smile hanged across his lips, as he felt a sense of relief.

"sorry. It might sound stupid but...I...I think I like you."

That was all heeseung needed to hear, the answer to his questions and problems.

"I care for you and I don't want to see you-"

"Me too. I like you, very much."

Kyujin got cut off, as Heeseung pulled her close,making her let out a soft whimper in surprise.

Her hands falling onto his chest, as his made it's way around her waist. Lips connecting once again, they both close their eyes, getting lost in the moment.

The kiss was deep, either sides not wanting to let go.

Slowly but surely like the hearts of any other young adults, the curiosity and the want to push the boundaries and go beyond.

Obstacles are bound to be in the way, stirring feelings of confusion and anxiety but you now what they say; you never try you never know.

They finally separated,panting heavily to catch their breathes. Heeseung leaned in and rest his forehead onto hers,admiring her beauty.

"Is this what they call love?"

"I honestly don't know but I'm willing to try."

He answered, intertwining his hands into hers.

"I don't know either but it's worth to try."

Kyujin replied as well, beaming.

"Then, I promise to make it worth the try."

"Will you quit smoking?"

She tilted her head. Instead of a yes or no, Heeseung gave her a small peck on the lips again.

"Hmm.This taste so much better then cigarettes. I'll quit, I promise but I might have found a new addiction."

Hearing his words, Kyujin couldn't stop blushing,burying her head into his chest as he pat her head, giggling at his new and first ever girlfriend.

Happy New Year everyone🎉🎉
School has started and I wish everyone good luck for this year as well!!

Cigarettes?She got it // 이회승 Lee Heeseung Where stories live. Discover now