19)Drink till you're sober

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Weirdly enough, the days after that night were normal. Back in school, as if it was a routine, the two ate lunch together, talked a bit more and we're just the same as every other day.

Kyujin didn't forget Sunghoon though, dedicating a day or two to be with him since he says he was ordered by Baerin to accompany her and that was an order he must obey.

"Hey, wanna grab a drink later?"

Heeseung nudged Kyujin as she exited her class.

"Drink? As in acohol?"

"You don't drink?"

"No,I mean yeah I'll come sure I guess."

"Hmm.Text you later."

He didn't explain further as Jake approached them,signalling to heeseung that he was ready to leave.

Oh, he was waiting for Jake...

Kyujin awkwardly smiled as the two left off. Did she thought that he came to her class just to ask her for a drink later? So much for the fantasies.


"I got the drinks."

Kyujin placed the two bags of alcohol on the table. Surprising Heeseung who was on his phone.

"Huh- oh you're here.I actually got drinks too."

He pulled out a bottle, laughing.

"I thought I said I'll get the drinks?"

"Nevermind we can drink both."

Heeseung continued, signalling her to sit down.

"That's too much, we might or should I say will get drunk."

Kyujin shook her head.

"How high is your alcohol tolerance? Not to brag but I can drink quite a lot. You could say I'm the best drinker amongst the others. The worst being Sunghoon."

"Yeah I know, it's gonna be a problem cause Baerin's a terrible drinker as well."

Kyujin laughed along.

"I asked about you not Baerin though."

He raised a brow.

"Me? I'm don't really know. I can drink but I don't really know how much."

"What do you mean?"

"I've never really gotten drunk or drank to that point cause someone needs to keep check of everyone.

Some of them get drunk after a glass while some drink to fast.Either way they all get wasted to easily. You could say I'm the only sane person but I do wonder sometimes how l it feels like to get completely wasted. Kinda stupid."

She explains, laughing at herself for her pathetic thoughts but for some reason he felt bad for her.

"Well, then maybe you should try it out today."

He opened the first bottle, pouring her a glass.

"Nah, it's fine."

Taking the glass, she hesitantly drank it.

"Why not? I have a high alcohol tolerance. Most importantly,I'll be here to take care of you."

Cigarettes?She got it // 이회승 Lee Heeseung Where stories live. Discover now