9)2 can keep a secret

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The headmistress would return back to school tomorrow and it had the students grumbling and complaining,since it was said that there would be an attire check tomorrow in the morning by the headmistress herself as she misses the students dearly.

That however,wasn't what heeseung was thinking about.She didn't drop by last Friday after school and he assumed she would come during lunch today but there was no sign of her.

Surely,shouldn't she be more anxious since today would be her last chance to convince him?

He had tried to find her and catch a glimpse of her in the hallways but she didn't seem to be anywhere.

Her friend,Baerin was also no where to be seen.

"Who you looking for?"

Niki popped up from somewhere,surprising Heeseung.

"No one."

"You sure it's not Han Kyujin?"

Heeseung turned his head almost immediately when he heard her name.

"Tch,I saw her during break.She was looking very different though."

"Different?You don't even know her Niki."

He rolled his eyes.

"Yeah,but she looks very cheerful?Like I only saw angry her and friendly her before but she is a little more cheerful then normal.Did you perhaps return it to her?"

Niki whispered the last part,earning a light smack on the head.He had found out about the situation since that day when Kyujin went looking for him.

"No,if not why would I be looking for her?"

"Well,I just thought you guys reconciled and became friends though it's unlikely cause you'll never give in."


After school

Heeseung sat at the same place,swivelling around the chair.

"Should I take a smoke?"

He stared at the ceiling blankly,tired of waiting.It seems like she wasn't going to come today either.Did she really give up?

They haven't spoke to each other or discuss that matter after the mistake on Thursday.

"Why am I even doing this?What has gotten into me?"

He questioned himself,getting up from his seat.

"I'm here!"

The door suddenly opened as her voice chirped.

Niki was right,she sounded very cheerful,way too cheerful than normal.

Kyujin waved to him,skipping happily into the room,while heeseung watched her acting like a kid,cringing at her behaviour.

"Are you drunk?"

He remarked,clearly insulting her.

"Shut up if you aren't going to say hi."

She went to sit at his usual seat,making herself comfortable like a queen on her throne.

"What are you doing?"

He questioned,gesturing her to get off the seat.

"Right,I forgot.I think you took something that belongs to me?I would like to have it back."

She raised her hands,proudly saying it with full confidence.

"Look at you acting all confident.You think I'll return it to you that easily?"

Cigarettes?She got it // 이회승 Lee Heeseung Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя