3)Slip it up

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"Oh my god,did you hear about that guy from the class next to ours who always helped Mr Eun?"

Sunoo whispered into Kyujin's ear as they walk along the hallways.

"You mean the alcohol incident?"

Kyujin questioned.


Sunoo was in a few of Kyujin's classes,he loves to gossip and won't miss a chance to spill any secret to anyone.He's also friends with everyone on the school,able to talk and strike up a conversation with anyone.

"Baerin told me about it already."

"Aww,your bestie beat me to it."

Kyujin just continued walking,Sunoo trailing behind.

"So you know that it was Lee Heeseung who reported it to the headmistress?"

"The student prez?"

"I know right!I thought they were friends."

"But I mean he was the one who brought alcohol and drank it in school."

"Still,I heard he's getting expelled.That's so sad,cause I heard he wanted to apply for the upcoming exchange program.I didn't know heeseung could be this scary."

"Aren't you friends with him?"

"I am!We're not very close though.However,he's been kinda cranky these days.I don't know why."

He carefully told Kyujin,making sure no one else heard it.

"Uh huh.Didn't we walk pass your class room already?"

Kyujin was about to enter her class room. When she realised Sunoo was still chatting.

Brought back to reality,Sunoo realised where he was.Quickly,he waved bye to the girl dashing to his classroom.

"Hey!No running in the corridors!"

A student leader warned the clumsy one,who immediately halted his actions and speed walked instead.

"Morning Kyujin!"



Kyujin was showered with greetings as soon as she entered the class. Returning every greeting, she made her way to her seat.

"Kyujin!Wanna sit here?"

Hyemi,a fellow classmate offered.

"She should sit with me though cause everyone knows you suck in this class."

Beomgyu,another classmate who sat closer to the back snickered.

"You're not that great at this class either Beomgyu."

Taehyun,who was Kyujin's actual seat mate commented,slightly attacking Beomgyu.

Don't worry their best friends,and this kind of things happen on a daily basis.

"But Kyujin,you can sit here for today."

The girl Hyemi insisted.

"It's ok.I think I'll stick with Taehyun."

She politely declined the persistent girl.

"Just for today.You owe me something because I saved you from getting detention from Mrs Ji last week."

She slightly pulled Kyujin's bag,preventing her from walking further.

"I did promise you that I'll buy tteokbokki in return."

"I know but today my boyfriend isn't here and I don't wanna sit with that guy who always comes to class late."

Hyemi whispered to Kyujin,desperate for her help.

Cigarettes?She got it // 이회승 Lee Heeseung Where stories live. Discover now