1)Birthday Girl

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"Happy Birthday to you~"

Everyone clapped their hands enthusiastically as confetti fell from the sky,raining all over the Birthday girl.

Wine bottles popped opened,cheers filled the air as her friends happily congratulated Kyujin.

The moment the candles were blown,all of them turned on the lights and shouted happy birthday in unison,not forgetting to smudge some of the cake cream onto the pretty girls face.

"Congrats on moving out as well!"

Baerin yanked her down,tackling her into a warm hug.

"Thanks for inviting us over Kyujin."

Jiwoo beamed as she gave a big slice of cake to Kyujin.

"Nooo,I should thank you guys for coming.I'm glad that we got to meet up and see each other again."

"It's been so long.We missed you and each other,of course we would come!Plus,it's your birthday."

Sewon poured her a glass of wine,also for the other girls.

"Yeah,it's great to be able to hang out with all of you again."

Yoomin gave a thumbs up,after placing the birthday hat for Kyujin.

The five of them has been best friends since high school.But now in different colleges and universities,the girls find it hard to meet up and even stay updated about each other.

Though,Kyujin and Baerin both study in the same college,Dae Han Academy.

An expensive college for the higher class and those who could afford.

To uphold it's reputation,the college was known to be strict and requires the students to not only be consistent in their academic studies but to also have great moral values.

Anyone who gets caught in any mischief gets demerit points that threaten their enrolment in the academy,basically,you can be kicked out at any point,once you're caught slipping up.

However,those mostly apply within the premises of the school,since the teachers are present,along with the student councils or any other leadership groups.

Other than that,students still can be free and act a little,well,break the rules a little outside of the school.

Do be reminded to not wear your uniform outside though,cause there's a possibility that you might be caught by someone from the public who will file a complaint to the academy and then you face a high chance of getting demerits and eventually getting kicked out if you're behaviour was deemed unacceptable and unforgivable.

But,most students play by the rules in and out of school,as they didn't really know how to ermm...do the opposite.They way they act can be different from their friends outside who are less confined by the rules of the strict academy.

A bit clueless and inexperienced about certain things that are said to be taboos,or things that are seen as improper.

That's exactly how Kyujin and Baerin felt.One year into college but they could already sense the difference with their peers from other schools.

"Nah,we have no uniforms.It's not like high school.We can wear whatever we want.I mostly show up in my pajamas,something comfortable."

Sewon explained to the clueless two,joking about the last part as she excitedly showed off her college that she was attending.

"Lucky,I wish I could show up at work with my pajamas as well,it's not very comfortable to wear blazers or something formal all the time."

Yoomin sulked as she took a bite of the cake.Having enter the working industry a little earlier than the rest as she had to help her fathers business,the girl dropped college.

"Anyways,talking about school life and all,have you guys found someone yet?"

Sewon wiggled her eyebrows,starting a juicy topic which cannot be excluded in any girl hang outs.

"Nope.Too busy with work."

Yoomin sighed,chugging down her glass.

"Slow down girl.I don't want to drag your ass out of here later."

Baerin snatched her glass away.

"Since you brought it up,I'm pretty sure you found your someone."

Kyujin smirked at Sewon who immediately turned red and flustered.

"W-What.No...I mean...Yes but that's not why I asked."

Her eyes wandered,immediately taking a sip of alcohol.

"Who's the lucky guy?Spill it."

Baerin nudged.

"A senior who's a year older than us."

She quickly answered looking away as the girls wooed.

"What about you Jiwoo?"

Kyujin asked the girl who was too busy eating her third slice of cake.

"Had about 4 but none of them were really the one."

Jiwoo casually answered.

"4?Girl,you did not even tell us about one."

Yoomin slammed her glass on the table.

"Ayyy,you must be famous."

Baerin poked the girl.

"Both of you don't have any?"

Jiwoo pointed at the two from Dae Han,only earning a sad puppy face from Baerin.

"What do you expect.Half the students are scared to date because of the stupid headmistress while the other half are too engrossed with their studies."

Kyujin rolled her eyes,resting her arm on the table.

"The headmistress?What she gonna do?"

Sewon asked,helping them put another glass.

"Apparently a couple of years ago she caught two pairs of students kissing in school before and rumors said they were expelled."

Kyujin explained.

"That's ridiculous!"

Jiwoo gasped.

"Also,they said that both couples had just started dating when they got caught.Ever since then,most people became scared as they said it was some kind of curse.But there's obviously still people who are dating and all."

Baerin added.

"That headmistress is such a kill joy.I would have just silently watch them and enjoy the free show in front of me."

Yoomin took a bite of the cake.

"Eww,why would you do that?You sound so desperate for love."

Sewon swat Yoomin's hand.

"Well,maybe it's because I am desperate for love.Try having to work everyday in the office.It's not just boring and tiring,you may feel lonely sometimes."

Yoomin returned a hit to Sewon,who pouted.

Been a while since I wrote. Don't need to worry on the names here cause they are just side characters. Other than that hope you guys are ready for a new and different storyyyy

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