She looks at him with a clenched jaw, expecting it to be Marc... but once she sees his soft eyes, she knows that it's Steven.

An attacker attempts to lunge for them, but Cleo simply side kicks the man in the stomach to stop him, then brings her attention back to him.

" Steven?" She asks as her eyes flicker between his.

" Hi, love," Steven says with a smile and wave, then turns to the attackers, " Now before you lot try to kill us again... we will be leaving," he grabs Cleo by the hand and begins to walk away, " Go on, now. Go find someone else to stab, yeah?" he looks over the ledge and finds a ladder, " Bloody hell. Now, why aren't there any stairs? I'm not Spider-Man, I can't exactly climb walls, so what do they expect us to do?"

Steven guides Cleo down the ladder, holding his hands out just in case she falls. And once they're both on solid ground, Cleo is engulfed in a large bear hug that nearly knocks her breath out of her lungs.

" I've missed you," He pleads, his voice nearly cracking.

" I've missed you, too," Cleo says as she wraps her arms around him.

And with that, Steven pulls back just enough to cup her face in his hands, tilting it in odd directions to get a better look.

" He didn't hurt you, did he?" Steven asks.

Cleo furrows her brows, reaching her hands up to gently remove his hands from her face.

" No... he's not a bad guy," Cleo states.

" He's killed people, love."

" So have I."

With her words, Steven's eyes go wide. He can't believe it. He doesn't. His sweet little Cleo couldn't possibly be a murderer.

" Well, you won't anymore," Steven says, then grabs her hand and marches towards the street.

He finds the first taxi that he can and hops inside with Cleo.

" Hi, yeah, excuse me. Um... airport" Steven says to the driver, who sighs at the tourist.

" What?" Cleo asks as she turns her head, " Steven, we can't leave."

" We can't stay."

" Steve, please, we have to stay."

" Cleo, I'm doing this to protect you."

In that moment, Cleo inhales deeply through her nose, looking Steven directly in his eyes as she forces himself to stay calm.

" I've already told this to Marc... and I'm only going to tell you once," She states, " I do not need protecting."

Once more, Steven's eyes roll back into his skull, giving the control back to Marc, and the very first thing he sees is Cleo.

It takes him a minute to take in his new surroundings, but as soon as he does, he's not very happy.

" What the hell did you do?" He asks.

" I didn't do anything."

" Then why are we in a cab?"

" Ask your reflection."

Marc sighs at her words, pinching the bridge of his nose before he looks up at the driver.

" Tawaqaf huna (Stop here)"

" Alan ant tatakalam alearabia (Now you speak Arabic?)" The driver asks as he pulls over.

Marc gets out of the car without another word.

" Asf (Sorry)" Cleo comments as she scoots out of the car, only to see Marc chasing down the attackers, and so she lets out a heavy sigh," Rijal (Men)"

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