Chapter 7: Calming the Storm

Start from the beginning

The monster appeared through through smoke, towering over them like a sky scraper. It's red eyes glowed and it growled a rumbling growl. Peter took a step back, honestly a little nervous, but ready nonetheless.

"Titans go!" Robin commanded.

The team sprang into action. Starfire flew over the monster's head and began blasting him in the face with a bright green energy beam. Beast Boy took the form of a pterodactyl and began flying around the beasts head, with it trying to swat him out of the air. Cyborg assisted Starfire, shooting a powerful energy blast at the face.

"That is so cool." Peter whispered to himself as he and Robin ran for the legs.

Robin began spinning around the feet, wrapping a cable around as he did while Peter jumped and began wrapping webs around the shins. He went around about three times, before he was knocked out of the air. He fell to the ground as he and Robin ran straight into each other.

"Sorry!" Peter said in a rush. He looked up and his eyes widened to see the feet break free and lift up to crush them both. "I got it! I got it!" Peter shouted as he webbed himself and Robin away, before quickly going back into battle.

He went for the legs again, narrowly dodging the giants kicks. The monsters giant hand came down in a fist straight for Peter, but he managed to dodge it and attach his web. The he swung from the hand and began swinging around the monster, sticking its arm to its torso. Suddenly he was knocked from the air again, slamming into Beastboy who turned back to his human form. Peter grabbed him shot a wall near Robin to catch him.

"I got you!" Peter shouted as he swung back into battle.

"Ew gross!" Beastboy groaned, still stuck to the wall.

Peter swung upward to the beasts head, ready to just knock it down with a punch. Once he reached it he found himself getting hit again. This time it felt hard, super hard. He was slammed against the monster's forehead, causing it to come tumbling down. Peter looked and saw he was about to be crushed by a car that was thrown. Quickly he pushed off as they fell and managed to catch the car over his head as he stood atop the beasts for head.

Suddenly the weight was lifted from him as the scene faded away an returned back to the all white training room. Peter was still in fight mode, so he was confused at first. The other Titans all gathered in front of him, mostly looking concerned.

"I'm so sorry, guys!" Peter pleaded. "It was a accident!"

"It's okay." Beastboy said with a casual shrug.

"It'll just take time to get used to working as a team is all." Robin explained, reassuringly. "You did pretty good, all things considered. Just gotta work on your situational awareness."

Peter was annoyed at that, since normally that wasn't a problem for him. Though Robin believed that Peter simply needed more practice, that wasn't true. Peter had gotten truly skilled with his abilities, and now his Spider sense only seemed to work inconsistently. Training went on like this for the next few days. The plan would always be solid, thanks to Robin, but Peter kept finding himself getting in their way over and over again. He could tell the others were starting to get a little annoyed and that just made Peter feel worse. He briefly considered retiring. That perhaps this was a sign that he was losing his powers.

He didn't know what to do, so he automatically went to Raven. He didn't know why, as he was sure she probably didn't want to talk to him. However, he found himself yearning for company. For some reason he felt himself gravitating toward her for such things. Though he hadn't gone through with it, he had been thinking about it since they last spoke. Then finally he gathered up the courage and knocked on the door next to his.

"Hey uh, Raven?" Peter called out. "It's Peter. Could we talk for a sec?"

He expected a long pause or no answer, but to his surprise the door flew open on its own. Peter saw Raven in her dimly lit room, floating cross legged over her bed before gently setting herself down. She didn't answer and instead silently gestured for him to come in, so he did. The door closed promptly behind her and Peter approached the bed and sit down.

"What's up?" She asked flatly.

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