Peter was interrupted by the sound of the door opening. Another hero was there in red, Green, and yellow.

"Everything okay in here?"

"Yeah." Cyborg sat up with a casual grin. "Peter, this is our leader, Robin."

"Oh, it's a pleasure to meet you, sir." Peter said reaching out to shake Robin's hand.

Cyborg groaned at that and pat Peter on the back. "Please don't call him sir."

"No no." Robin replied with a grin. "I'll allow it."

"Said he needs to talk to Raven." Cyborg said as he passed Robin to the door. He gave Robin a look of both amusement and worry, then left.

"Raven, huh?" Robin peered at Peter suspiciously and got closer. "And why, pray tell, might that be?"

Peter began pacing as he frantically explained. "Well long story short I'm from another universe and Batman told me, Raven might be the person to help me out."

Robin looked shocked at that. "Batman said that?" Peter nodded and. Robin looked off. "I've never seen her do anything like that before. Hmm..." Peter looked down, nearly in defeat. "Though I suppose it could..."

Robin kept pacing back and forth, clearly deep in thought, but the wait was agony for Peter.

"Relax." Robin pat him on the shoulder. "Helping people is what we do. We're gonna get you home."

Peter smiled with gratitude. "Thank you, Robin."

"Anytime, Spider-Man." Robin replied with a smirk and his arms folded knowingly. Peter was in disbelief, then Robin pointed to his bag half open on the table beside him showing his mask and Peter groaned at his stupidity. "I hope you don't mind, just had to check for safety reasons."

"I understand."

"So about Raven..." Robin continued. "She can be a little... antisocial." Peter nodded ad listened more intently. "It's a lot to explain... she likes to stay private, so it's something she may not be too keen on doing."

"Oh..." Peter said in defeat.

"But!" Robin continued reassuringly, "She's a really good person. So even though she may not want to at first, I know she'll help you."

"Okay." Peter followed Robin as they left the infirmary and out into a long hall with many doors.

"I think she's in her room." Robin said as they boarded the elevator.

Peter looked around at the place he was in admiringly. It was a really nice place, everything a superhero hideout should be.

He had no idea how he was going to convince this girl to help him. She wasn't exactly painted as the friendliest type. Still, if she was a hero, she would no doubt help him. His heart raced as the exited the elevator and started down the hallway. He was extremely nervous. He always had trouble talking to girls, but this was ridiculous. He could sense danger as he neared the door. Robin stood beside the door and Peter could sense the person on the other side. He felt like a mouse asking a lion for help.

"She's in here." Robin said as he gave a few loud knocks. "Raven, it's Robin. Do you have a minute?"

There was no sound for what felt like an eternity. Still, Robin didn't knock again and instead stood there with his arms folded. Peter's heart raced as the anticipation rose higher and higher. After standing there in silence for about five minutes Robin pursed his lips and nodded his head.

"Nobody home I guess?" Peter remarked in confusion.

"No I saw her go in there." Robin explained with a chuckle. "She must be meditating right now. There's no use knocking, she's blocking all outside noise. Nothing to do now, but wait for her to come out, I'm afraid."

Spider-Man: New Home (18+)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя