3. King's Royal Ball

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Esmeray couldn't hold any grudge against Maeve, no matter how much she wanted to because of the taunts and insults Maeve had thrown her way over the past years.

At some point, we all just want someone we can blame our miseries on. But Esmeray had passed that phase. She had accepted that we all have to be toughened by fate by facing everything we are afraid of. But it seemed like Maeve was still stuck in that phase.

In Esmeray's life, everything she had been afraid of had happened. There was nothing she held dear or nothing she cared for enough to be fearful of losing. It had been five years since she had been living among these Lost Souls and now it felt like she had become one too. The only difference was that she still has a beating heart.

Maeve's family was sacrificed like a lamb for people they didn’t even know. Maeve's home broke for the people who were related to Esmeray by blood.

Earlier Maeve had asked what Esmeray would have done if she was in Maeve's place. . . If Esmeray was in her place she would have hated the girl too because of whom she lost her father.

Maeve's hatred was valid~

Taking a deep breath Esmeray raised her hands to open a portal but Maeve interrupted her. "Aren't you going to change?" Maeve frowned at Esmeray's bare tattooed legs, messy platinum white hair and the dirty oversized shirt she was wearing.

"I'm going to use a cloak and glamour spell and as much as my clothes are concerned I'm not going there to impress anyone." Esmeray shrugged as if it wasn't a big deal. The cloak was going to conceal her scent and the glamour spell was going to change her appearance.

When Esmeray raised her palms to open a portal Maeve interpreted her yet again. “I already opened a portal. You can use it and remember you have to bring the Vampire King to the Forest of Wonders so I won’t have a problem in covering his tracks.”

Esmeray nodded her head in ‘yes’. But she had a feeling that Maeve wasn't worried about covering the Vampire King's tracks. There was something else Maeve was worried about. "Opening a portal in the Forest of Wonders could be tricky. You know the Forest had a mind of its own. It's easy to get out of it by creating a portal but it won't be easy to open a portal in the desired location to enter the Forest."

The Forest of Wonders was known to have a million portals hidden in it that lead to different dimensions and foreign lands. That was one of the reasons it was called the Forest of Wonders. It was even rumored that the Forest had a beating heart and the trees in the forest bled if you cut them.

The only portal that could lead you to the Sacred Land of Witches was in the middle of the Forest of Wonders too but that portal only worked on the night of the full moon.

Esmeray didn’t know why Maeve wanted this Vampire King but she wasn’t going to question. If it was a killing task Esmeray would have done some search to know if the person deserved death but kidnapping was a piece of cake and Esmeray didn’t give a shit that what was Maeve after. It wasn’t her business. And Esmeray was known for not sticking her nose where it doesn't belong.

"I'll wait for you at the center of the forest. That way you won't have to search for me if you lost direction. And here take this ring. It will help you to navigate since you aren't immoral yet so your senses won't be as keen as they should be." Maeve held a ring with a simple transparent crystal ball on it.

Esmeray took the ring without any protest. After all, Maeve was right. Esmeray's hearing, smelling and eyesight were as meek as a human but that will change as soon as she will turn immortal but only God knew when that was going to happen because she was already past the age and her immortal abilities haven't kicked in yet. "The crystal will pull you towards me and it will turn green when you will be close to me."

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