
Immediately the mermen sensed when their mate entered the water of their home. Happily they began to follow the trail, their tails beating powerfully carrying them across the reef with ease towards the shoreline where their mate was awaiting their arrival.

But then there was the scent of something else. It was sweet and distinctive.

"Blood" the hunter Yoongi revealed when the paused at the scent coming from the same direction they were travelling.

That had them immediately panicking when the took note of the scent in the blood as their mate's. Human's have distinctive smells to mermen, their blood carried that scent too. Jimin's scent and presence in the water is what allowed them to track him whenever he entered the ocean.

With their discovery they found themselves swimming faster than the more leisurely pace they had been taking before. Tails that were powerful enough to crack the hulls of ships and shatter spines pushing them on. 

They only hoped when they arrived at the shoreline that their mate was okay and his wound would be shallow and nonfatal. 


Jimin could only find himself crying when he saw the shapes of the mermen approaching in the water. Unknowing of what they were swimming into. With his hands behind his back he was unable to sign to them. Unable to warn them of the danger they were unknowingly heading straight into.

When they emerged from the water, the mermen turned to Jimin seeing the human look at them with such horror made them realise the situation. 

"Jin" was all Jimin could yell to them. The mermen could recognise their names from Jimin's language because he said them often enough that the sounds were familiar to them.

They pieced the puzzle together quickly from the scene before them. A terrified mate, hands tied behind his back, a pack of gleeful looking humans and the scream of Jin's name despite his lack of appearance. After all just like Jimin had said they were clever creatures.

The humans barely saw it come as the mermen reared up and attacked. Teeth and claws sharp enough to cut and break bone at their disposal. Hoseok appeared behind Jimin cutting away the rope from his wrist, they had begun to cut off his circulation they were so tight.

Jimin watched as his mates took on the humans, the mermen reluctant to leave the water, not wanting to show off their ability to walk on land as humans could. Jimin stood up, not wanting to be on the side lines. He immediately shoved one of the humans who had grabbed Jungkook's arms, with the human momentary startled Jungkook was able to react. 

From there Jimin was only pulled into the fray of the fight more. There were about 20 people from the company, evidently they brought a relatively big crew in case it was difficult to capture the mermen.


Jin had been walking for ages when he began to smell salt in the air, his head perking up, his body excited as he could smell the scent of home, the ocean up ahead.

Emerging from the woodland area, he made it onto the sand of the dunes where a sharp smell invaded his nose. The smell of blood, so much of it, both human and when he focused more the smell of mer blood as well. That had him panicking, he rushed down the beach where he could see a fight ahead.

From what he could see in the darkness was his friends and pod mates fighting humans. The smell of blood from both species was strong so it was hard to detect much. Plus the fight was tight knit so it was hard to see anyone in the crowd. He got the faint glimmer of scales in the pack meaning his pod mates were in the fray.

Without hesitation he screamed, it was a high pitched screech, one that mermen were immune to. They could listen to all pitches without damage, but the mermen of the past had discovered a sound pitch that could deafen the humans that hunted them.

That was the screech Jin chose to defend his pod mates.

But then he was only able to watch on in abject horror as his mate's face became clear in the group of fighters.

He could already see the blood leaking in red rivets from the human's ears, the result of his shattered ear drums.

A scream that could deafen a human.

Even if that human was a merman's mate.

And he had just used it on his own mate.


So how was that?

Told you the chapter was a big one.

Also from here we only have a few chapters left of the book. Haven't completely decided how many yet though

Anyway I hope you liked the chapter.




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