Tommy just sat there, staring at me
Not a word spoken
"I know, I need you to bring David. I need to talk to him. I... I need to arrange some things with you" I said.

"There's times for that late-"
"3 years" I mumbled
"What?" Tommy said
"I got 3 years, 2 if I'm lucky" I said.

Tommy abruptly stood up, leaving the room
"We... we can appeal it, they have no grounds, no solid proof-"
"This is happening Pol, I need you to realise that. I have things I need you to do so I need you to accept that I'm not coming home" I said, trying to keep it together.

She didn't say anything
"Polly" I said
"Can you do that for me?" I asked, she slowly nodded
"Good, because I hate to ask, seeing as you already have Finn but, David is only a kid, he can't loo-"

"I'll look after Nala, I promise" she said
"Good, and don't let Kinney anywhere near her" I said, she nodded
"And about David, he needs guidance Pol, he's doing really well at the minute, I don't want him falling off the edge" I explained.

"I'll keep a close eye on him, I imagine he'll practically live at ours while you're... away" she said, losing the somewhat amusement she had quickly
"Don't worry about me, okay?" I said.

And that's when Tommy strode back in
"I'll give you two a moment" she said
"Stay strong, I'll come back tomorrow with the boys" she said, standing up and hugging me

Before she left, I could tell she wanted to break down
That she was putting on a brave face
And as I drew my attention to the boy in front of me, it was clear he was doing the same

"I'll kill them" he said
"Leave it Tommy"
"They're the reason you're in here, 3 years? You can't be in here for 3 fucking years" he said
"Tommy" I said, snapping him out of his rant
"Why are you here?" I asked

"To see you, I'm worried sick Mar" he said
"I told you I didn't want to see you" I said
"Don't be like that, please, you need people around you now, I need you" he said.

"Go home Thomas, and don't come back" I said
"Who do you think told the police? Because I have racked my brains for the past two weeks to figure it out. And it was staring me right in the face. Georgie threatened me that day, told me she'd talk, I didn't believe her" I chuckled bitterly.

I shouldn't have underestimated her
"I just didn't think she'd land them in it" I said
I know Maloney hated her
But Kerey and him were still her 'everything' as she said, her family
And she snitched them in.

Got me arrested.

"Georgie?" He asked, thinking about it
"And why would she back stab us Thomas? What made her so bitter? Maybe sleeping with you?" I questioned
"This is not my fault Mar, it's no ones fault but hers" he said.

"Just leave Tommy" I said, standing up
But I only got a step away before Tommy pulled me back, engulfing me in a hug
"Limited touching" a guard said
"I love you" he said again. Now he'd said it once it was like it was spilling out of him every chance he got

Except now... it was too late.
He cut me off, with an intense and abrupt kiss, one that was over quickly
"I love you" he said again. Finally accepting defeat

I stepped away from him, walking back to the doors
I was angry at him. And yet that hug was the most comfort I'd received since being here.

I just... I just wanted to go home.

Tommy's POV

"How is she?" I asked
"A bit down from last week" Freddie said
"She looks... paler as well" he went on
I wanted to see her, but she wouldn't let me
Every time I showed up she turned me away.

"Hey, it'll get better, she'll come around, she must just be scared in there" he said
Yeah, that's what I hoped, that she would come around.
Want to see me too.

Mariana's POV

Freddie's face today was the best thing I'd seen all week.
It put me on a slightly happier note
That was until... Leonard came by
He seemed to enjoy taunting me whenever he saw me.

Berating me.
And I bit back, every single time.

"How are we today sunshine?" He asked, leaning on the doorframe, playing with his keys
"Fuck off" I said
He chuckled
"No, I don't think I will" he said, fully entering the room.

Before he shut the door behind him
"What are you doing?" I asked
"I just want to talk" he shrugged, smirking
"Why have you shut the door?" I asked, backing up as he neared me.

What the fuck did he want?

Polly's POV

I couldn't help but rock my leg up and down as I waited
She should have come out by now
Everyone else was out here.

"Where is she?" Arthur asked
I shook my head
"I don't know" I said
We waited a while longer, before she finally appeared

She walked slowly. Very slowly
She looked pale, her eyes sunken from lack of sleep and her hair a mess
She sat down opposite us, staring at the table
"Mariana?" I questioned
She didn't react. Didn't move
Just sat there.

"Hey Mar" Arthur said
Still nothing
"Has something happened?" I asked
"Don't..." she muttered, her voice cracked

"What?" I asked
"Don't... don't come back" she mumbled quietly

"What do you mean? Mariana?" I asked worried
She looked different, something was wrong
She looked the way she did back when her mother died.

Like she was... somewhere else in her mind
Not all there.

"Don't come back, I don't want to see you" she said again, slightly louder, a tear falling from her eye down her cheek.

"Whats happened?" Arthur asked desperately
She stood up, turning around
"Mar? Mar!" Arthur tried, jumping up and grabbing her shoulders
She said nothing.

What was wrong? It was like she was... a shell. Like there was nothing left of her.

Mariana's POV

I curled up against the bed
I didn't want to sleep in it
I didn't want to touch it after what happened.

I just began to cry.
I can't have them visiting. Seeing me like this
No one would help me. I told a guard what happened. He shrugged at me and continued on his way.

No one would help...

I looked up, my eyes flickering away my blurry vision
"Mum" I smiled.

And we're in to Mar's slightly

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And we're in to Mar's slightly... darker days we'll say. Don't worry, I will not be focusing on her prison time too much.

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