39• Our place

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Our place

"I don't need magic, I need your arms at 3.29am. When the dark is too much, I need you to be real when nothing else is"                               - A.R.Asher

Tommy's POV

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Tommy's POV

"What's wrong?" I asked, watching her fidget across from me as we sat here, in our little tunnel
Our canal
Our place

There wasn't any other good place for a conversation like this
But I wondered the whole way here why she wanted to talk here.
Specifically here.

"Let's not dance around a conversation for once Tommy" she begged, finally looking up at me
"Okay" I said nervously
"I heard about Greta" she said, I nodded slowly, subtly wiping my palms down my legs in an attempt to get rid of the nervous heat gathering

"I'm not sure why it is such a tense topic to bring up" she went on softly
"I understand you know? It's not like we were together, I wasn't expecting you to be waiting for me or never date again" she chuckled nervously.

"I just find it... odd I guess, you never mentioned her" she said
"I know, I'm sorry I thought... I thought it might be awkward" I said honestly
Finding out I was with someone else... can't be nice when she was locked away

Even if I was free, free to do whatever I pleased and found out she was with someone else, it would kill me.
I had no shame in admitting that to myself
She had a hold over my heart.

The thought of her with anyone else was enough to make me grimace into myself slightly
"Why?" She asked
"You know why, I hurt you Mar, I know that, I made some stupid mistakes and I hurt you, and I hate the thought of hurting you, you're the most important person in my life" I admitted.

Greta was... mainly driven in guilt
Shame. Embarrassment for my behaviour
I wanted to escape it all and pretend I was something else for a moment
That I wasn't the idiot that let Mariana Cortéz walk out of my life.

"So why not tell me you had a girlfriend?" She asked
"Because I... I didn't know how you felt. You were away and you didn't want to see me anymore, I didn't know if you even wanted to see me when you got out, but you did and I... I just couldn't bring myself to say anything that might damage that. And we were over by then anyway" I explained.

"Why did you break up? If you don't mind me asking" she then asked
"That's not important, the important thing is that it's over" I said
"I met her" she dropped on me
So softly I wondered if it had actually been said
Or whether I was dreaming.

My body automatically turned rigid
And I lost all ability to breath for a few seconds.
They met?
Each other?

She nodded in assurance
"She's actually quite nice" she added
"When? When did you meet her? Why?" I asked confused.
"A few days ago, I may have... found her to talk to her" she told me.

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