The letter

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Dear Thomas

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Dear Thomas

I can't put into words how I feel about you, so Dorothy suggested writing them down.
I don't even know where to begin. And I'm certain you'll never even read this but, well I need to get the words out, even if I'm too much of a coward to say them to your face.
You were my first everything Thomas. My first love and my first heartache, my first jealousy and my first crush.
I couldn't picture my life without you in it, but then certain things happen, and I'm unsure whether they truly do happen for a reason or not. But your actions hurt me to the core. They broke me. Seeing you with other girls and constantly putting my feelings on a back burner, it tore something in my heart that I just can't explain.
And I know it isn't all one sided, I know I've hurt you too and I'm truly sorry for that, because we both deserve happiness, not pain.
But despite it all, despite every tear and every heartache, every fight and every time we've finished with each other, I still love you.
I can't help but love you because... you're my other half Tommy.
You're everything I had ever wanted and although I'm certain that it is the end for us, I wish to god it wasn't. I wish we had of worked out
I wish we had been honest with each other
Who knows where it might have taken us by now?
I miss you, a lot, I miss the boy you used to be, the girl I used to be, I miss the sweets and the laughter. I miss sneaking around and getting into trouble. I miss being carefree and being a part of a family.

You're my best friend Thomas, and I will always love you no matter what, even if we can't be together anymore
Because I cannot live without you. Whatever role you play in my life, you will be in my heart, always.

Love Mariana x

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