30• Sunshine

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"Now I have to remember you for longer than I have known you"                        - C.C.Aurel

Warning- There is a mention of sexual abuse, not completely, it is insinuated but still

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Warning- There is a mention of sexual abuse, not completely, it is insinuated but still.

Tommy's POV

I can't believe they got caught
She's in prison.
"What the fuck are we going to do?" Freddie asked
"I don't know" I said
"How is she even in there?"
"I don't know" I repeated.

"Are we allowed to go and see her yet? Is she okay? Do we have to-"
"I don't fucking know Freddie" I snapped at him
"I'm sorry" he said
"You wouldn't would you? Cause you were too pissed to even know" John said

"Watch it" I said
"No, I got it, we all got it, you'd fallen out over something but you're at rock bottom brother, you're a mess" he said, walking out of the room
"I'm going to see her today" Polly said from her spot by the fire

"I'm coming with you" Arthur said
"I'm coming with you" I corrected
I needed to see her, I needed to make sure she was okay.

For my own sanity if not anything else
She looked between us, her jaw tightening in the way it does when she's stuck
"Fine, Thomas grab your coat" she said
"We want to see her" Arthur said annoyed.

"We should be the ones seeing her" John chimed in as I passed him in the hallway
"I'll take you both tomorrow" she said.

Mariana's POV

I sat here against the wall, staring at the small window like I had down for 2 weeks now
The 2 weeks I sat waiting for a verdict.
Waiting for a visit, but I wasn't allowed any
And whenever they do come, I now had to tell them I'd be here for 3 years, 2 if I was on my best behaviour.

"Cortéz" the guard called out, before my door opened
He was... cocky, this Leonard
He fancied himself as a bit of a flirt with the inmates
His smile repulsed me however
There was something off about him.

"Good morning sunshine" he smiled
I ignored him, waiting to go where I needed to
I was led out to some tables and chairs
Where I saw Polly and Tommy sat, staring at me.

I must have looked a picture
Messy hair, baggy clothes, handcuffs on my wrists and ankles that I was let out of before sitting down
"Ana" Polly said sadly, taking my hand in hers
"Polly" I said back, was she even real?

"How are you holding up, are you alright, what did they say about your sentence?" She asked worriedly
"How is David?" I asked after a moment
"He's... he's fine" she said
"Nala?" I asked
"Mar we need to talk about your situation" Polly said.

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