- Dissapointment -

21 2 0

Fear rushed through my veins and made all of my muscles freeze, as I witnessed three people getting eaten alive, right before my eyes! I started to breathe heavily and I fell to the ground as my body just lost control of itself.

The worm looking creature started to slowly approach me, but I still could not move. I was locked inside of my own body as I only was able to see my last moments.

Surprisingly, before the worm's mouth reached me, it stopped.

I saw bright orange flames travel across the blue sky, straight to the face of the worm. The monster whimpered and dived back underground where it had come from earlier. I started to wonder if Cole, Jay and Ran were okay or even alive to begin with. I should have done something and not just stood there like an idiot. All of this was because of me...

"Hey Sol, are you okay!?"

The familiar voice made me a lot more relaxed and I immediately started to feel safe again. I turned to see the red, fire ninja, Kai and Sensei Wu. Kai helped me back up as he saw how frightened I was.

"What happened?" Wu questioned in his usual calm, steady tone. I turned to him while mentally picking up myself back to normal.

"That thing ate Jay, Cole and Ran..." I managed to say while looking at the ground. I was ashamed of my failure.

"You let it eat my friends?!" Kai sizzeld at me. I felt the fire ninja's tense mood and his burning gaze on my skin, but I knew he was holding back himself.

Sudden, strong push made me fall to the ground. I let a grunt out. The fall didn't hurt, but it definitely got me off guard. I heard Wu say something to Kai which had pushed me to the ground, but I was unable to hear it clearly. Only thing I felt was sadness and emptyness.

"I can't be a hero like you! I am a disappointment and I am no use for good so leave me alone!" I shouted. I was staring at the sand and noticed how tears rolled onto my cheeks and then to the sand I was staring.

"No, you are wrong."

Those words broke the few seconds of silence. It was Sensei Wu...

"Get up and I will show you something, something that can save Cole, Jay and Ran"

I finally looked up. Wu turned around and started to walk towards the stone formation me and the rest had the camp last night. Kai gave me an angry look before following Sensei Wu to the stone formation.

I let a sigh out, before getting back up and following the two. I felt a bit curious but I managed to hide it deep, out of sight.

After we all sat down on top one of the stones which laid still and sturdy on the ground. We all were on our knees in a circle formation.

"Can you feel that?"

I looked at Sensei Wu with a questioning expression. After a few seconds of thinking I leaned forward and laid my both hands on the stone we were sitting on and I closed my eyes.


"You are not trying!" Old man interrupted me. I rolled my eyes in my mind, but I tried to put more effort. I was trying my best but still felt nothing. I shook my head in frustration. This was stupid!

Suddenly a distant screeching sound reached my ears. The Worm! I jumped up and wildy looked around as I tried to see the creature. Nothing? The creature was nowhere to be seen and when I looked back at the two, Kai was looking at me with a "Are you nuts?" expression and Wu only gave me a slight nodd.

I got back to the position I was in earlier. I think I got the hang of it. If I was the master of sand and I felt the sand under the stone, it worked like the water in the sea, the noise traveled and I was able to hear and detect it. I felt so good! It felt like I understood the sand even though it sounds nuts.

My happiness didn't last long though as I heard the noise coming closer and it was moving fast.

"The creature is coming back! I- I think it felt me and the sand!" I stated as I stood up and opened my eyes. I got tense, but I sensed no stress in Sensei Wu. He sat still, eyes closed. Kai got up like I had, when he felt the ground shake a little.

We put our backs facing each other while we rapidly tried to look for the monster. We both knew that the quicker we caught the worm, the quicker we got our friends back.

The stronger the shaking and rumbling got, the more sure I felt. I was terrified, but also sure minded. I wouldn't be a disappointment this time!

After a few seconds I saw a bump in the sand and it was getting closer at high speed. Termination and power rushing through my veins, I jumped down from the rock and started to walk in the direction of the moving creature. I spread my arms and watched as the sand monster got closer and closer. Suddenly I felt no fear, only strength and a new kind of energy. Nothing could stop me!

The worm rose from the sand and mouth open it tried to consume me...Big mistake.

(Tw: Vomiting)

Sand near the monster suddenly moved and wrapped itself around the thing like a rope. As the screeching thing was trapped on the surface, I used sand to force it go up in the air so I could shake it like you would shake those spice jars, up and down. I continued this until the worm threw up. In the vomit, there were Cole, Jay and Ran! They were covered in brown-ish liquid, but otherwise seemed to be okey.

(Trigger warning over)

I used my powers once more to throw the creature as far as I could before collapsing to the ground as I felt too weak to even stand.

Kai limped past me to his friends to check up on them.

Wu came to me and helped me back up when I felt normal again. He looked me in the eyes and spoke:

"You found your true potential..."

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