- Sand -

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I looked at the dancing flames of the burning campfire before me on the ground. It brought nice warmth to the cold night we had to spend outside in the wilderness. Jay was leaning against my shoulder, almost falling asleep and the two students: Ran and Sol, were on the otherside by the campfire as well.

We all were super tired as we had traveled the whole day in the open desert. We had discovered a good stone formation so we took shelter there for the night.

I was cought of guard as I felt a weight on my lap. It was Jay, the elemental master of lightning and my best buddy. I chuckled a bit before hitting him playfully to the stomach. He woke up in no time and got off me. Laughed even more as I saw his embarrassed expression.

As Jay got to his sleeping bag, I stood up and walked away from the fire. I went to sit on a rock near the camp. The stars were so beautiful and breathtaking. I stared at them while taking deep breaths in the silence. They reminded me of my mom and dad and also of many others I had met during my life.

Once again I was caught up from my thoughts by something. It was Jay.

"Dude you have been sitting here alone for almost 30 min. Are you okay?"

I saw my friend's concerned face which made me feel bad. I didn't want to be a burden or a cause of worrying.

After a while I finally shook my head as I knew I had to be honest with the master of lightning. He sat beside me and gave me the 'I'm all ears' look. I sighed and turned my eyes to Sol who was now asleep.

"I don't know how I am supposed to train him, Jay! His element might be earth related but it doesn't mean I can teach him how to control it! Sand is fluid and grainy, opposite to earth and ground which we all know is sturdy and mostly remains as big pieces!"

"Also I am so worried for the rest of the team. It's weird to not be able to protect them or be there for Sensei Wu and the others..." I mumbled

Jay looked at me deep in the eyes, in a way that looked like he was reading my mind and soul like a book. It made me a little uncomfortable, but I pushed the feeling away with ease.

Sudden warm tight feeling around me shook me out of my thoughts and dragged me back to the reality. Looked around me and saw my best friend wrapped around me. Jay hugged me?! I was stuttered for a few seconds and for a moment didn't know what to do or say, but then the natural feeling came to me and I relaxed and hugged him back.

"I know you are not the hugging kinda guy, but you really seemed to be needing one." Jay said and let go of the hug while kindly smiling to me.

I smiled thankfully before I took a deep breath and turned my gaze to the skies.

What would Sensei Wu do? Or mom? Mom... I only remember her as a wise woman who was a trained ninja who never was afraid! She was a brave warrior...Crap! I slipped to my thoughts once again!

I looked back at Jay who was now looking at the skies and stars as well. He suddenly felt really distant and away which made me concerned.

"Jay...thank you for everything you have done. Remember that brother sharpens brother, you help me and I help you. Okay?"

Jay looked back at me and seemed a bit more like his usual self even though his slow nod didn't make me feel any less concerned. He stood up and I followed him back to the camp and shelter.

The two students were sleeping heavily judging from the loud snores.

Jay placed his sleeping bag next to where I promised to keep the look out during the night. I sat down and he did the same next to me. He leaned against me again, but I didn't mind. If he felt safe that way, it was okay with me...

The next day, after we all woke up we wrapped the camp up and decided to do some sparring before we would move on to our destination which I hadn't told the others yet. I wanted to tell as late as possible for good reasons.

"I don't get it!"

I snapped back to reality and saw Sol kick sand in visible frustration. He hadn't unlocked his potential yet, but Jay and I thought that maybe at a desert the master of sand could unlock it, as here he would be connected to sand the best.

I walked up to the young boy while trying to figure out the best words to calm him down and help him.

"What do you think is holding you back?" I asked calmly. I tried my best to teach like Sensei Wu, even though I was very aware of the fact that I was nothing like him and would probably never be.

"Nothing!" He yelled at me before kicking even more sand in anger. I sighed as for a second I felt like a terrible teacher, even though I knew I was just fine most of the time.

"Stop kicking the sand. If you want to become a master of sand and a hero you should start acting more mature!" I said in a commanding tone. Sol stopped and turned to look at me with almost burning anger in his gaze.

"What if I don't wanna be a hero!? I didn't ask for this stupid ability and only thing it has done to me is ruined my life!"

His words felt like a hit right in the face. I had never thought that this young boy didn' want those abilities we were trying to force him to unlock. I felt bad for him, but also angry.

"You are stupid to think that I want to risk my life to save strangers daily as I get no credit! I am a freak just like all of you, but I am not proud of it and neither should you!" He continued to shout.

That's it!

I walked to him while my anger started to boil inside of me. This kid had no right to mock the people who protected millions of civilians for free as it was their destiny to fulfill.

"If you are so ungrateful for what me and my family do, you can leave and keep your pitiful life!" I yelled at him as I pushed him to the ground. He yelped a bit but got back up growling.

Jay ran up to me and pulled me back. He had watched from a bit away, but didn't earlier wanna interfere.

Sol turned around and started to walk away. Deep inside I knew he was going to leave us...Regret covered me as I realized how dumb I just were.

I started to run after the student. Jay and Ran followed me.

Before we reached the student something rose from the sand. It created a tall shadow over us. I barely saw a worm looking creature before it swallowed us. It all happened so fast that none of us had the time to react....

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