Chapter 33

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You woke up the next morning with Natasha in your arms. Her eyes were still closed as she slept quietly next to you. A smile spread over your lips as you pulled her closer to your chest. You brushed some hair back behind her ear, leaning forward to press a kiss to her cheek.

You saw a smile spread over her face as her eyes fluttered open. She turned around in your arms so she was now facing you, her eyes soft and droopy.

"Didn't mean to wake you up," you mumbled with a smile.

She breathed a laugh, "I was already up."

It was your time to laugh as you nodded, "Thought so." She leaned forward and kissed you. You set your hand on her cheek, falling to her chin to pull her closer.

When you pulled away, you chuckled lightly. "Good morning to you, too."

You both just laid there for a while, limbs tangled and fingers playing with anything they came in contact with. You sighed, a lump in your throat as you gazed at her. "You're so beautiful," you whispered. "I love you so much."

She blushed, actually blushed, as she gave somewhat of a watery laugh. "I love you, too."

You kissed again, unable to get enough of each other, especially in the early hours of the morning where the only thing on your minds were each other.

"Sorry to interrupt, misses," said the voice of JARVIS through the room.

"What is it, J?" Natasha asked gently.

"Cpt. Rogers requires your presence as soon as possible. It is important," he informed.

You sighed and spoke out to the AI, "Thank you, J."

"Of course, miss," he said before disappearing.

You looked at Natasha and shook your head. "Do we have to?"

She nodded with a dramatic sigh, "Unfortunately. Steve wouldn't bother us unless it was important."

You smiled, "How would he even know? The bedrooms are soundproofed."

She smirked with a chuckle, "Well, our shoes all over the compound might be a clue."

You rolled your eyes, "Please. Everyone leaves their shoes lying around this place."

Natasha momentarily looked up at the ceiling before she said, "Clint has a certain... gaydar."

You laughed, "Does he now? He can just sense whenever his bestie is getting some?"

She laughed this time and shrugged a shoulder, "Or maybe he saw the security feed of us attempting to be quiet while we snuck back in."

You both shared a laugh before JARVIS' voice came back over the intercom. "The captain said 'now'."

Natasha groaned, "Alright, alright. We're moving."

You snickered as you got out of bed with a quick, "Thanks, J." You both sat up to stand, glancing over your shoulder to see Natasha's naked body stretching.

You turned around, leaning on your elbows as you smiled, your eyes raking up and down her body. Her muscles flexed as she stretched, showing off her years and years of work. She was a truly beautiful woman, a work of art. She turned around, half expecting you to already be getting ready, only to see you staring at her ass. She rolled her eyes and shoved you, earning a laugh. "Get up, perv," she scoffed. You hummed and stood, rounding the bed to her as you wrapped your arms around her, her back pressing to your chest. "Are you sure we couldn't spare... I don't know, half an hour?"

"Best not to push Cap," she laughed. You rolled your eyes and buried your head in her shoulder, pressing kisses to her skin and nibbling bruises where it would be left exposed. You released the skin from between your teeth and nodded, "There. You're mine."

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