Chapter 8

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"I've decided that today should be my last session," Maria told you towards the end of the meeting.

You looked up at her, "What?"

"What?" Natasha asked as she sat forward, setting her Chinese food to the side.

"It's been a year and these sessions have really helped me. I'm feeling a lot better now than I was and it's thanks to you," she told you with a smile.

You sat back in your seat and nodded slowly as you cleared your throat, "Alright then. Um, I'm glad you're feeling better and I'm glad to have helped."

You both stood, Scout staying where she was on the couch as she watched with her tongue hanging from her mouth. You gave Maria a hug and sighed, "I'm going to miss seeing you."

"Yeah, I will too," she replied. You both left the room and returned to the front door. Scout trotted behind the both of you, content as could be. You hugged Maria again at the door and said, "If you need anything, you know where to find me. This past year has been great, and I'm proud of you."

"Thanks," she told you before bending down and petting Scout. "Gonna miss you, furball," she said.

Scout barked lightly and Maria stood, waving and getting to her car. As she opened the door, she stepped a foot in and said, "Maybe we could hang out sometime." She got in the car and drove away instead of waiting for your response.

You smiled gently and waved. Scout jumped up on your legs and panted in your face. You pet her soft fur and sighed, "Well, that happened."

"Yes, it did," Natasha said to herself as she waited for Maria to return. She had a couple of words to share with her.


"You quit? Why the hell would you quit?" she asked.

Maria sighed, "Fury's orders. He said he's promoting my part in the mission. Said I was going to get personal."

Natasha sighed to herself, a ping of jealousy in her chest. "So you're going to date her because Fury said so."

She shrugged with another sigh, "I mean, she's not bad. I wouldn't mind hanging out with her."

Natasha nodded a little, "Yeah, but she kind of likes you. This feels a little unfair."

Maria nodded, "I like her, too. But you're right. At the same time, though, I can't disobey direct orders from Fury. I have to do it. I won't manipulate her though, don't worry about that. She is still my friend."

Natasha sighed, running a hand down her face before nodding, "Okay."

"Why do you care anyway?" Maria asked with a raised brow.

Before Natasha could turn red, she spoke, "Well, it's easier to watch her when she isn't sulking. It'd suck if she found out you were just part of her mission."

"Oh," Maria answered, a smirk on her face, "So it isn't because you care about her?"

Natasha's face hardened to cover up the blush that threatened to crawl up her neck, "Well, I have to care a little. But not like you're suggesting, that's just inappropriate. You don't fall in love with your mission."

Maria nodded with a shrug, "Whatever you say. I gotta get back to work and you should too. I think you have a text."

Maria turned to get back to her duties and Natasha turned to return to her own. She picked up her phone where she saw a couple of texts there from you.

/Did you hear what Mae asked me?/
/Are you there?/

She texted you back quickly to ease your concern. /Sorry, I was away. Yes, I heard./

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