Chapter 29

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When you finally reached your room, just as you were about to close the door, Natasha was in the doorway. She walked inside, closing the door behind her. "You aren't actually considering this, are you?"

You sighed and turned around, leaning in the window as you pressed your forehead against the glass. "I haven't been able to consider anything, my mind is spinning."

"You're lying," she said. "I saw you back there. You've already made up your mind." You looked back at her there, ready to counter her and argue that you had not made a decision, but as you saw her face, you knew you could not lie to her.

Her face was a mix of anger and desperation as she watched you. You did not know if she was making that face on purpose in order to try and get you to do what she wanted, but it was working. You sighed and looked away from her, "I should go."

"No," she shook her head, "No, you can't do that."

"It's the best option, Nat. You know what happened. What if it happens again, just to someone more innocent? What if more people get hurt because I couldn't control myself?" She saw the fear in your eyes and it broke her heart.

She walked close to you, her eyes staring back at you with a remorse you never knew existed for you. "Y/N," she said, "You cannot give yourself over to the Council. They will lock you in a cell for the rest of your life. Or worse, they'll weaponize you to use for their own personal gain." She shook her head, "And I won't let that happen to you."

You huffed, turning away from her as you threw your hands up. You argued back, your voice louder than before, you had not noticed your eyes had begun to glow with your frustration. "Well, what else am I supposed to do? I'm hurting people, Natasha, I'm getting myself hurt."

She just stood as she watched you, and you realized your eyes had shifted again. You huffed as you shoved it down and shook your head, "It's the best option for everyone for me to go away. I can't control this thing."

Natasha walked over to you again, her hands reaching up to touch you before falling back to her sides as she turned her back to you. "But they could find you again," she said. "I already promised your dad I would protect you. I can't protect you if you aren't here with me."

You ran your hands down your face, huffing again as you thought, glancing around your room. "What would you have me do?" you questioned.

She was silent for a while before she made her proposal, "Become an Avenger. Join the team."

You looked at her for a while, the silence settling into the room as you slowly shook your head and looked at the ground. "Nat," you sighed.

"That way we can keep you safe," she tried again.

You let out a humorless chuckle, "I thought you didn't want me to be an Avenger."

"I never said that," she shrugged.

"Not out loud. I know how you get at the subject," you countered, crossing your arms and leaning to the side. "I've been watching you the same way you've been watching me, Nat."

"Well, circumstances have changed," she argued. It was starting to get more heated on both ends now. "If it's the only way to keep you safe, then I'll take it."

You huffed, sticking your finger out toward her, "Why do you care?"

"Because I care about you."

"So does Tony and Dmitri, but you don't see them barging into my room to argue with me about making a decision, do you?" you told her, anger rising in you as you fought.

"Well this is different."

"How is this different?" you questioned. "How?"

"Because I love you!"

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