Chapter 19

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You slowly came back to consciousness, your body waking as you groaned deeply. The next thing you felt was some wet and warm licking your fingers, before moving up to your face. "Ugh!" you exclaimed as you sat up and looked over. A smile immediately spread across your face when you found the origin of the wet feeling.

"Scout!" you yelled as you saw your amazing German Shepherd next to the bed, her tongue hanging out and her head tilted in a dopey smile. She jumped onto the bed with squeals and whimpers. "Hey, girl!" you exclaimed as you pet her excitedly, "I missed you so much!"

Adorable little barks came from her as she licked you and jumped on you. You looked around and asked gently, "Where are we, girl?"

She just looked at you, her tail swishing the happily. You chuckled and got out of the bed to stretch, groaning when you felt a soreness in your ankle. She jumped down and started sniffling your leg, whining gently. "It's just sprained, I think," you sighed as you reassured her.

As you looked down at your ankle, everything hit you suddenly. The last thing you remember was being out in that hall against Novakova, and two other agents who were trying to get to you as well. Then you remembered a silhouette, a blurry face above you with red hair.

You looked down at your clothes, and chuckled at your shirt. It had a large Avengers symbol on it, probably Tony's doing. As least you knew you were somewhere safe. Finally, you were somewhere safe.

You gently grabbed Scout's collar and opened the door to your room, she helped you walk out into the hallway. You looked both ways before picking which end of the hall to walk down. Scout just turned and started walking, her tails swishing in the hair and her tongue hanging out of her mouth. You walked with her, keeping as much pressure off your ankle as possible.

Scout lead you down the winding halls with no problem at all, and you noticed a living room coming up. Before you could stop there, she took a sharp turn that tugged you to the side and you just went with it.

She then walked into the kitchen, pausing there and sitting down. You looked up and saw someone sitting at a stool, hunched over a coffee cup absently. You knew him from anywhere as you spoke gently, "Dad?"

He stilled and turned quickly, his eyes widening and his lips turning into a smile at the sight of you. He stood and rushed over to you, his arms wrapping tightly around you. "Y/N, you're okay!" he exclaimed as you hugged him back. Tears threatened to spill from your eyes as you hugged your father again. You had missed him so much.

He pulled back suddenly, his hands on your shoulders, "You are okay right? Nothing's wrong? Are you feeling alright? Do you need to lie down?"

"Dad! Dad, I'm fine!" you told him quickly, your hand son his cheeks to calm him. "I'm fine, calm down," you chuckled lightly.

"I missed you so much, honey bun," he sighed as he pulled you into another hug. You snorted at his nickname, that one he knew you found annoying.

"I missed you, too," you smiled. When you broke from the hug, you looked around suddenly, "Where's Tony? Is Mae around? Do you know if...?"

You held back on your last question, shaking it from your mind. What were the odds of your pen pal being here?

"Tony's coming, I'm sure. He's got his, uh, AI set up to tell him when you wake up. You've been out for three days," he said.

"What?" you asked.

"Yeah, you were real sick," he muttered, "You almost died..." You knew that much. He then shook his head and changed the subject, "Wait, Mae?"

"Yeah. We were dating before I was taken. She's the one I had you call," you told him, taking a seat on one of the stools to get off your ankle.

"Oh, I thought her name was Maria," he said as he sat next to you.

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