Chapter 14

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You coughed out some of the blood that caught in your throat, the wind knocked out of you as you were punched in that certain spot in your stomach. The tests and experiments were endless.

It had taken three days to finish with the injections alone- they came in three doses that had to be injected a full day apart. After that, Dr. Novakova had begun to test your new abilities. You had yet to do the main part of the whole purpose of the experiments, but she would make due with anything else.

She had a full list of things to do to you. She had tested out your five senses, interested in seeing just how advanced they had become, and she was quite pleased with the results. Despite this, she was a little disappointed when it came to your light sensitivity. It had practically increased tenfold because of the lion's side of your new set of genetics. You could hear a lot more from a lot farther (up to a mile away), your physical sensitivity increased tenfold, your sense of smell became way more sensitive and also more intricate, while your sight improved in terms of what you could see well. The bright lights did, however, hurt your eyes.

Right now, they were testing your pain tolerance. After this would come your healing acceleration. You whimpered at the next blow to your stomach, your body tired and bruised from the beatings you had been receiving for hours now. She was trying to see how much pain you could take before you passed out. So far, it had been about five hours.

When Dr. Novakova walked into the room, she carried a clipboard in her arms, as usual. She was surprised to see you still awake- although barely. "My goodness, your resistance, your stamina!" She looked at the tools laid out of the table and continued to marvel at your ability to stand the pain for so long.

The man who tortured you was British, which surprised you (although, you did not mind too much for his nationality since he was beating you), and his name was Oscar.

Novakova lifted her hand after he delivered a swift punch to your jaw, "Oscar, I believe that should be enough. Thank you so much." He nodded as he took the brass knuckles off of his hand, gathering his supplies. "Anytime, Illyana."

She gave him a sweet smile, which he returned, and she walked over to you. You were hanging from your wrists, your toes just barely touching the floor with your head hanging low. She examined your face, "Hm, maybe your healing isn't as fast as I thought."

She snapped her fingers to an agent in the room, the one who kidnapped you who went by the name Dmitri. Despite everything about him, he still seemed like he was quite kind (all things considered). He was rude or insulting, but he made sure to get the point across as to which one of you held the power. Outside of that, he made sure to be kinder to you than most of the agents in this place were. Aleksandr, who you came to learn was a bit of an idiot, was his partner. He did not put much of an effort into being nice.

"Oh, Dimini, will you please take Y/N to go wash up. It's time for lunch before we move on to training," she told him as she walked next to Oscar to talk. Dmitri nodded politely and walked up to you with a smile he always seemed to have. When his face was out of her view, he gave a slight scowl. "I hate that name," he muttered. It was not long before his smile returned.

Despite your superior vision, your eyes were blurry and it was harder to focus. He unlocked the chains that held you to the ceiling and helped you down, standing you on your feet and offering support. "Come on now, malen'kiy. Let's get you cleaned up for lunch."

You were relieved it was time to eat, you were starving. It was another part of the outcome from the serum, your metabolism was crazy high and you were hungry a lot. They did not give you enough to appease your appetite, you assumed it was for another sort of experiment.

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