Chapter 27

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When you got to the compound, the whole team was back and waiting for you. They stood when the elevator opened and you stepped out with Natasha and Dmitri on either side of you.

"Y/N, are you okay?" Wanda said first. Scout came rushing over, whining loudly as she sniffed you up and down.

Tony was second to speak as he stepped up to you, setting a hand on your arm to try and help comfort you. "Are you hurt?" he asked, examining you and seeing the wound.

"What the hell happened?" Steve spoke, his voice more captain-y as he tried to get information on the situation.

Before anyone else could continue asking questions, your father stepped forward and placed his hands on you. "Y/N, what happened? Are you okay? You're hurt. Come on."

"Dad," you stopped him, your voice barely above a whisper. "I'm okay, it doesn't hurt anymore." You said this as you moved all the way to the floor to scratch Scout's head, trying to assure her that you were fine. Her face invaded your space as she sniffed and tried to lick you. Everyone took a step back to give you room.

"That isn't good," he told you in response to your words.

"I'm fine," you told him again. You swallowed hard, "Where's Maria?"

Natasha answered that question, "Getting fixed up. I'll tell her you're safe."

You nodded gently, absently. As you glanced up at each of their faces, you were quick to turn away as you winced. You kept seeing him, that disfigured face you created.

Bucky watched you closely, saw the way you were reacting. He noticed that look in your eye, that look that had taken residence in his own eyes many times over the years. It was like you did not know who you were, what you were. You could barely grasp what was around you, trying to distinguish fantasy from reality.

"Guys, let's give her some space. Steve, you can interrogate her tomorrow," Bucky said as he drew attention to himself to take off of you. He gave an understanding smile at the grateful look you gave to him.

"Yeah, come on," Natasha said as she knelt down to bring you to your feet before she began to move you again. She looked at Dmitri, nodding to him with a silent agreement. He nodded back as Natasha lead you away to your room, Scout eagerly walking with you.

You got in the shower and stood in the water for a long time, watching the blood go down the drain as your mind replayed the parts of the events you could remember.

When Natasha knocked on the door, you spoke quietly, "Yes?"

"You okay in there?" she asked. "You've been in for a while."

You nodded gently, absent-mindedly, "Yes. Just give me a few more minutes." She spoke once more through the door before leaving you again to give you your privacy.

You got yourself washed, being carefully of your wound. You got out of the shower shortly and got dressed in comfortable clothes. You, Natasha, and Scout went to the med bay where Bruce was waiting for you.

As he inspected your wound, he was in shock at what he found. He got tweezers as he began to pick pieces of metal from your arm, letting them clang in the container he moved them to. After removing all the metal that seemingly shattered in your arm, he began to thoroughly clean your wound (which you would admit hurt), and began to stitch and bandage you up.

"You should be fine now," he said, standing with the tray. "I need to take a look at this..."

He began to inspect the bullet pieces closely under a microscope, testing the metal out for reactions before he sat back in his chair. He turned to you, "Did he shoot you while you were human?"

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