Chapter 1

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"Your actions compromised the mission. Now I'm dealing with the World Security Council breathing down my neck to do something about your mistake," the director was furious. Natasha had come back from a month-long mission that made her quite ready to take a couple of days for a break.

Only it didn't seem she would be getting that break. She'd slipped up last minute on the mission and it compromised the whole operation. It was such a small mistake, but it had quite a big impact. Now Fury was addressing her– and he wasn't doing so lightly.

He continued, his voice a little softer but no less authoritative, "I did everything in my power to cover for you, you're one of my top agents and I can't afford to lose a good one. But if I don't do something to fix your mistake, then they'll feel the need to fix it themselves by removing you from the system entirely."

Natasha lifted her chin, as if to say that they wouldn't even be able to touch her if they tried. But she didn't say anything and Fury didn't comment on the move. The most that would happen would be for her to go on the run, but neither of them wanted that. So instead she tightened her hold on her wrist behind her back and listened.

"Now it pains me to do this," Fury said, "but I have no other choice. I'm putting you on desk duty."

Natasha considered herself to have plenty of control– tons of it– in many situations. She knew when to bite her tongue and when to protest, but this was something that made even her skillful tongue loose.

"Desk duty?" she questioned, letting go of her hand as they dropped to her sides. Her brows knitted together and she frowned.

"Do you want filing?" Fury warned, jabbing his finger in her direction while he looked up at her with his one good eye.

She inhaled slowly and returned her normal stance, her jaw tight. "Sir, with all due respect," she spoke carefully, "my skill set is too valuable for desk duty. You know this, you said it yourself. I'm one of your best."

He put a hand up, signaling for her to stop. She clenched her jaw and he sighed, "My hands are tied. You know that I don't want to do this, but I have to. I can't afford to lose a good agent because the Council feels it necessary to extract her from the system."

"But sir-"

"This is not up for discussion. You start tomorrow." He dismissed her with a flick of his wrist, picking a folder up from his desk and opening it as he examined the file.

She lingered for a moment before turning quickly, leaving Fury's office. She shut the door behind her, huffing as she walked away.

One slip up, and this happens. She didn't even know how long she'd be on desk duty. She was too over-qualified for desk duty.

Maria looked over at her as she walked past the desk. "Romanoff," she called. Natasha turned and faced Maria, lifting a questioning brow.

She gave her a sympathetic look, "Sorry about desk duty."

She shook her head, "Don't worry about it. I assume you're taking my place?"

"Temporarily, yeah," she nodded, "Fury says it's a big one."

"Great," Natasha mumbled, more to herself as she cursed fate– or whatever this was– that was testing her.


You looked in the mirror as you worked your earrings on, smoothing out your dress as you examined yourself.

"Denise," you called to the other room, "Are you ready yet?" You walked into the room she was sat in, tapping on her phone and chuckling to herself. Her dress was laid neatly over the back of a chair instead of on her body.

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