27• Pity sweets

Start from the beginning

I don't blame her
I don't even remember most of last night
But the mere thought of... Georgie nearly made me heave up all I'd drank.

I can't believe I did that. She'll hate me
She already hates me. Fuck...

"Did she tell you that?" I asked, he nodded
"She said she wants nothing to do with you" he said, reciting her words.

How could I have been so fucking stupid?

Mariana's POV

I was determined to make a point. And so I gripped the end of the knife in my hand harder, and stormed across the street to Georgie's house
I let myself in, she should really lock her door in the day
"Mum? Is that you?" Georgie called out.

I stormed up the stairs, heading straight for her room
"Mu... shit. Mar?" She said, eyeing the knife in my hand warily as she began backing up
"Mar?" She cried out in pain quickly after, as I hit her aside the head

I grabbed her face in one hand, backing her up against the wall, putting my knife up to her cheek
She started shaking, her gaze darting between me and the blade

"Mar? W- what are you doing?" She asked scared
"Warning you, to stay away from me from now on" I said blankly
"Mar please we... we can talk, I don't want to lose you" she said

"You already lost me!" I shouted, trying not to cry
My eyes were already stung and rimmed red
"So listen! Don't come near me ever again, or I will cut you so fucking deep you'll never see again" I said, trailing it up to her eyes
She squirmed, closing her eyes tightly
"Please Mar, Maloney he... he won't be happy if you hurt me" she tried to reason. Or threaten.

"I don't think he'll be happy when he learns you're fucking other guys behind his back" I seethed
I hated her. I hated her for doing this to me
And I despised him. With every fibre of my being.

She didn't say anything, she just began to try and pry my hand from her face as my grip tightened
"I mean it Georgie, I don't want to see your face around, ever" I shouted, before I abruptly let her go, leaving her shaking figure behind as I left.


2 months.
2 months since Thomas Shelby broke my heart into a million pieces.
And I hated him for it
I hated him for trying to talk to me since

I hated that he disregarded my feelings so quickly and fucked my best friend
I hated... I hated that this was it
That he wasn't around anymore
That I don't talk to him anymore.

That I'd lost my best friend so quickly.

"Cheer up buttercup" Freddie said
"Easy for you to say" I said, snapping out of my thoughts
"Is it? Because I'm the one juggling the both of you" he said, putting another crate down.

Another batch of alcohol I had to hide in my house for him
"Yeah and I'm the one putting up with these stupid fucking apologies" I said, glancing at the flowers stuffed into the bin

"I can't take it anymore, why won't he just leave me alone?" I said
"Because he loves you" he said
I scoffed
"He loves himself, jumped up litt-"
"Believe what you want to, but he cares about you" he argued back.

"I'd hate to see what he does if he didn't then" I said blankly
I didn't have time for this
For Freddie fighting his corner

"You should go, I have to go and pick Nala up from Dots" I said
"Hey, don't shoot the messenger okay? I don't support what he did anymore than you do, he's a fucking idiot, but it doesn't mean he doesn't feel for you" he said.

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