Chapter 14: Soldier, Poet, King

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THE ARRIVAL of Mal and I's friends early next morning makes the wedding day feel real in a way it hadn't before. Zoya, Genya, Tamar and Nadia, my bridesmaids, crowd around the bedroom giggling uncontrollably due to the sparkling wine Nadia brought.

We reminisced on old dramas from the Little Palace while they told me of new dramas for the new cast of the second army. People I wasn't familiar with or had once known their family members' friends' families.

More Grisha, and non-Grisha from the first army than I expected filled the house and lawn with laughter and joy that I could hear from my room. And, the children's laughter floats around the orphanage, making the mood that much more joyous.

Sasha had greeted me earlier this morning running right into my arms. She looked brighter than ever, her confidence having grown tenfold at the Little Palace and I am nothing but proud of her. Her kefta fits her perfectly and her hair has grown out long and straight. Hints of what her face would grow into as a woman already showing. "I knew you were still the Sun Summoner," she had whispered to me with love and reverence in her voice filling my heart with warmth. She is now with the other children from the orphanage who are all getting ready themselves.

"I'm almost done!" Genya announces. "Not yet! Stay still for one more second. Okay okay there! Finite!"

I look in the mirror and my hair is beautiful. My white locks are braided into a beautiful updo. A large braid wraps around the top of my head, reminiscent of a crown I will never wear, garnished with small yellow star flowers she had randomly placed into it. Strands of white hair loosely fall out of the braid providing some framing around my face and an ever so light white halo.

Looking at myself in the mirror I feel exquisite. I add a string of light flowing through the braided crown as well and a halo behind my head, further emphasizing my white hair. And, as a finishing touch I allow my eyes to fill with white light, something I had never done before but that makes me feel powerful.

My friends are silently in awe, watching me use my abilities for the first time in over a year.

"Beautiful," Nadia finally breaks the silence by saying with a sincere smile.

"Maybe a bit too much?" I ask. "I should probably tamper down the glow when I walk down the aisle, huh?" I mumble, fishing.

A knock on the door breaks the mood of the room and surely saves my friends from responding as Zoya rushes over to the door with a scowl on her face expecting it to be Mal trying to catch a peek. She opens the door barely an inch before opening it all the way revealing Nikolai.

"Wow," he says. "Please don't shoot me with your eye lasers, but you look amazing Alina."

"Nikolai," I say warmly. "I'm so glad you came."

"Of course I did!" He looks around the room awkwardly. "Any chance I could talk to Alina alone for a minute," he asks the girls crowded around.

"I've got to grab your dress and attend to Sasha anyways," Genya replies, making her way out of the room.

They all of course oblige him, each catching my eye before leaving the room.

"We will be back in a few!" shouts Zoya.

"And with more wine!" Nadia follows up.

Nikolai takes the opportunity as they leave to pour himself the last bit of sparkling wine, using the time to think over whatever he came to say.

"You sure this is what you want? Mal and Keramzin I mean."

I look at myself in the mirror, my wedding hair and makeup done. "I think it's a little late for you to ask that question now," I roll my eyes, smiling at his protectiveness.

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