Chapter 4: Considerations

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MAL LEFT EARLY this morning to go hunting with new friends of his which meant I slept in late and awoke spread out wide eagle in the empty bed. After the sun had long since risen, my brain persuaded my sluggish body into action. Bringing a smile to my face, I notice that on my desk sits a vase of beautiful blue irises, attracting attention to the note tucked under it.

Good Morning Beautiful,

Hoping we can compare wedding ideas together when I get home this afternoon?

Much Love,


I give a small groan, debating whether or not to get back in bed and go back to sleep. As much as I want to get married, I don't feel much of an urgency to rush it. We already live together, why not be patient and savor life's celebrations? I do want to marry Mal, with all my heart, and it's important to him. So, for Mal I will spend my day wedding planning. At least it's something to do.

A small groan escapes my lips as I wrestle with the tempting notion of returning to the comforting embrace of my bed. As much as I want to get married, I feel no need to hasten the process. After all, we already share a home, our lives effortlessly intertwined—why not allow life's celebrations to unfold at their own pace? However, for the sake of Mal and the love we share, I will dedicate my day to wedding planning. It's not as if I had anything better to do.

Mentally I begin making a to do list as I get dressed.

A dress. I need a wedding dress. I'd hate to ask this of Genya but there isn't anyone else I could trust to design my wedding dress. It would make the most sense for the wedding to be here, making use of the expansive yard behind the orphanage and the history the location holds for our relationship. We will need flowers. Food. A guest list. Invitations. And, probably most importantly, a date.

My thoughts are running too wild for me to keep up. When I finish throwing on pants barely nicer than sweats and a plain shirt, clothes I could go back to bed in just in case I change my mind, I pull out my diary and begin organizing my thoughts into my to do list.

Write Genya a letter asking if she could fashion a wedding dress for me

Find a florist

Create a menu with the cooks

Find a baker in town to design a wedding cake

Talk to the priest

Make a date

Send invitations

Lost in my thoughts about the complications of planning a wedding, I mindlessly leave the bedroom taking my notebook and pen with me to plan more in my sitting room. On my way, I see Inessa, looking very perky, headed my way.Her curls dance around her face in disarray as though she's already worked a full day and yet she's got tons of energy left.

"Good morning Inessa," I say brightly, trying to match her enthusiasm for life, with my eyes fixated on the pot of coffee that sits on the tray she holds. "How are you doing today?"

"Very well," she politely responds while I redirect her towards the sitting room.

"I hadn't yet seen you this morning so I thought you could utilize some caffeine."

"You definitely had the right idea. I'm very thankful to you." I don't know when my caffeine addiction started, but on days where it's difficult to get out of bed, which have been quite frequent lately, I've found that it can make quite the difference.

"Also, these letters arrived for you." I hadn't noticed the letters in the corner of the tray and I brightened knowing they were likely from my friends in Os Alta.

The Grisha Diaries (A Darklina Fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora