The Past

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Oh the past. Sometimes a great thing to think about, sometimes a horrible thing to think about.
For y/n, it was both.
For the first 12 years of his life, it was happy. The picture perfect family, about middle class wealth, good education, no problems.
Y/n was 13 when his mother started to hit him. Why did she do this? He wasn't sure at the time. It started out settle, the usual slap when he did something wrong, but then it got worse. Straight out beatings for getting a bad mark or not cleaning right. His father started drinking, joining in on the abuse. Not really physical, mostly emotionally and mentally. Why? Once again, y/n didn't know. As far as he knew, he was a perfect kid, perfect marks, and was an artsy kid. At 14, he got into his first relationship. His parents didn't approve of it. Why? Because it was with a guy. Why did it bother them so much? Y/n had no idea. When asked about it, he just said he likes who he likes.
Since then, he was forced to leave the boy and was dropped out of school, being forced to stay locked behind his bedroom door, supposed to help with 'fixing' yourself.
Through the trees, he could see lights from a nearby city. It was almost dark, so he assumed he had been walking all day.
Walking through the streets, he saw homeless people and old buildings. He kept walking until he found a building that looked to run down to be habitable. He entered the building and looked around. It was just an empty room, stairs on each side, and a small hallway towards the left.
"I guess this place isn't too bad.." he whispered to himself. The building smelt of rotting things and mold.
He spotted movement from his peripheral vision.
"Who's there?" He yelled, his voice shaking slightly. He looked around, backing away a bit.
"I-I said who's there??" He asked once again, not expecting a response.
"Hm." He heard a voice say. Y/n flinched and huddled into a corner, seeing a boy walk out of the darkness. He had jeans and a turtleneck on. He seemed normal from afar, apart from the small subtle movements from him that happened every so often.
"Uh, who are you?!" Y/n yelled from the corner.
"F-Figure it out, y/n." Shock came across y/n's face.
"How do you know m-my name??" Y/n fearfully asked.
"I've been w-watching you for a while now. I saw w-what you did to your f-father. I saw what y-your parents did to you. And what that gu-"
"Stop! Okay I get it!!" Y/n didn't want him to mention any more than he already had. He started to come away from the corner, wanting to get a better look at the boy. He had beautiful brown hair, and mesmerizing brown eyes.
"I think you have some-some potential. You would b-be a great add to the team. Well, I-I think so." The boy explained. Y/n waited a bit before saying anything.
"What do you mean..?"
"I mean, y-you would be great at helping me." He responded.
"What's your name?" Y/n asked.
"Toby." He held his hand out to shake it. Y/n hesitantly shook it, staring up at him. The boy was slightly taller than him.
" it alright if I stay here for a bit..?" Y/n asked, now staring down. Toby shrugged.
"It isn't my b-b- fucking building."
"Okay..." y/n turned away, walking up the broken concrete stairs.

𝐃𝐨𝐧'𝐭 𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐫𝐲 {creepypasta x male!reader} (REWRITE)Where stories live. Discover now