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His feet started moving, thumping softly against the grass, then loudly across the concrete of the road. The breeze was beautiful. The cool air hitting y/n's sun deficient face. It was like paradise.
Unfortunately that paradise moment was ruined by the sound of his father stumbling swiftly behind him, yelling his name, even throwing a few slurs into his screams. Y/n kept running, not letting his drunken father get in the way of his escape.
After a few minutes of running, he stopped hearing the sloppy feet behind him. He stopped behind a tree and grabbed a loose branch, hoping to use it as a defence mechanism.
"Y/n!!!" He heard a voice call. A slurred voice. Fuck fuck fuck!!! Y/n thought to himself. He had to. He had to do this. His heart sped up in his chest, feeling like a hammer slamming against his ribs. The footsteps returned. Closer. Closer.
That's when y/n jumped out from the tree, grabbing his father and stabbing the branch through his stomach. His father made a gurgling noise as blood seeped from his mouth.
"This is what you fucking get!!" Y/n screamed, still shoving the branch in and out of his father's abdomen. He was dead. Y/n let go of his fathers limp body and watched it flop to the ground. Staring at the body, he found this new emotion. He loved it. He loved doing that.
He always had a history of violent tendencies. It wasn't rare for him to feel this way. Except, other times, it wasn't this strong.
He usually got rid of the urge by cutting. It wasn't the best mechanism, but it was better than nothing. Better than taking out his urges on others.
He started walking away from the body, making sure to first lower his fathers eyelids. A sign of respect. Sure, he deserved no respect, but he was still family, and he used to be important. His feet weren't used to walking long distances, so taking short breaks was part of the long night that awaited him. How was he going to hide from his mother? How was he going to survive out here alone? He wasn't sure himself. But, he had to figure out a way.
Reaching into his f/c hoodie pocket, he removed a picture. A family photo from when he was younger.
"What a happy family...wonder what went wrong.."
A lot went wrong.
He kept walking, his mind zoning out on other things, still trying to find a place to stay.

𝐃𝐨𝐧'𝐭 𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐫𝐲 {creepypasta x male!reader} (REWRITE)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя