"And what is that noble purpose?" She asked.

"You know, my father owns a humble café. We can go there, so that you can have a finger licking breakfast which will turn into a good day at work for me."

"How will that turn into a good day at work for you if I have a good breakfast?" Haeyun asked in confusion.

"You see, noona, if you'll have a tasty breakfast, you'll be in a good mood for the whole day and then I will not be scolded by you… like maybe I might be but a little less…" Hyunjin resembled a grinning emoji as he finished.

"Big brain there," Haeyun remarked. "If you insist, I will come with you."

"I insist, noona!" Hyunjin chirped with a wink.

"Yah," Haeyun picked up and showed him a spatula.

"I- I'm waiting outside in my car!" Hyunjin turned on his heels with a nervous chuckle.


→ Lee Rang

Another day passed by, and I am still waiting. And guess what? I will again wish that I see you tomorrow before I sleep, and when I will wake up, I will carry on with my day. I will walk past new people on my usual, old and unchanged path.

I will sit on the same lonely bench of that park. When I tell you that that particular bench has been my friend for a long time, I am not lying. Sometimes I do spot similar faces from previous days but it's never like I see them everyday. People keep changing around me while my time stays unmoved and unchanged just like this bench's place.

I was sitting on the bench just like always, watching people. Sometimes I wished that I had mind reading powers as my current powers aren't very exciting anymore. But it's impossible, and I don't want to have a big list of wishes so I shrug it off and stare at people, wondering what they are thinking.

When I again walked down the crowded streets while being as lonely as I ever was, I imagined that you were by my side. Your hands are in mine, my fingers are entangled with yours. And I discovered another regret, the regret of not telling how I always thought that your tiny hand used to fit so perfectly in mine, like it was made to be held in mine.

How stupid of me, right? I took too much time to finally let you in without realising that we were running short of time.

If only I had known I would have to survive with only your memories for a period of time that seems like an eternity, I would have kept more of them.

And I continue walking just like always.
Sometimes I wonder what I would be like when I see you again? What will I say? Will I even say anything or just stare at the face I've been dying to get a glimpse of?

And most of my calculations tell me that you won't remember me, and it hurts to think that, a lot. You would be confused, you won't know me, you might even think of me as a maniac… You won't remember the first time I kissed you or how much bickering we used to have.

I'll be just another stranger for you, and it surely will kill me inside.

And then I again come up with another wish to add on the already big list of mine,

'Fall in love with me again. I'll catch you before you hit the ground, and never let you go ever again.'

I wouldn't mind falling in love again as long as it's you, Park Hyejin, that I fall in love with again.

I was walking mindlessly through the streets, looking at the grey sky. It was going to rain soon, and I definitely didn't have an umbrella with me. But I don't mind actually, getting wet in rain is a blessing truly, you can cry under the open sky with the clouds and no one would know, and I think that's really awesome.

And my serene state of mind was busted because of this one old man, Lee Yeon. I exhaled, and picked up his call.

"Yah, where are you, Rang-ah!"

"No where."

"Knew it," I could hear him sigh on the other side.

"What happened?"

"I miss you." I can assume the pout of his lips when he said so, and it's cringey if you ask me.

"Whatever, I don't." I said, trying to act disinterested but… I missed him as well…I guess?

"Meet me at the cafe in an hour!"

"No, I can't -" he hung up the call, I stared at his caller id.

Well, okay, fine… He better not make me eat mint chocolate ice cream again.



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