"Really," I said, nodding my head, "I'm fine,".

    Kieran's hot stare disappeared and was left with not a thought behind his eyes. A deadpan face. He rolled his eyes and pushed himself up but didn't leave. I didn't want to look up either. I knew he was staring down on me-I could literally feel it. What did I do though? I looked up.

    Still expressionless, Kieran stared down at my helpless figure. This, right here. This has always been the case between us and I never wanted to believe it. I would always be the pet and he would be the owner. I never stood a chance against him no matter how many times I told myself I could. I couldn't. Kieran was alway, and will always, be above me. He will always be the one with power and control. Even if I wasn't sitting on his bathroom floor against my will.

    Kieran shook his head and walked out of the bathroom, locking me inside once again. I didn't bother asking him to let me out this time. I just...don't have the energy for it. I sighed and looked at the marble floor for the billionth time.
    This is really fucked up.

    Would he let me out this time if I asked?

    Kieran's loud voice rattled my whole body when he suddenly yelled. I pressed myself against the wall and listened to the countless obscene words flow right out. One right after the other, non stop. It's not the loudness that made my heart drop, or all of the clashing objects hit the floor but the quietness that abruptly came after.

    Through the thickness of tension and the ringing of static in the air, my heart was the loudest noise in this penthouse. And Kieran heard it. He heard it the best.

    Kieran's pounding footsteps found their way back to the bathroom where he swung the door open, wasting no time to drag me out whether or not I was begging him not to. He tossed me outside, making my body slide against the smooth floor. I gasped out. Kieran came straight at me and kicked my body to the side.

    "FUCK!" He yelled, "FUCK! FUCK! FUCK!".

    The adrenaline inside of me was stronger than the pain my body was experiencing. I knew he was screaming but my focus was on something else, like getting the hell out of this room. With a shaky breath and a shaky body, I carefully crawled along the floor. Pass the bed, pass the door and pass the hall.

    "Where the fuck is she?" I heard Kieran snap.

    I pushed myself off the floor as soon as I heard his voice and made a run for it down the stairs, with the thumps of Kieran's step rattling inside of my body. I don't even know how I'm breathing right.

    I dived behind the couch in time before Kieran could see me. I held my breath and shut my eyes. This man was inhuman, he had a special sense for telling if someone was breathing out in fear no matter how quiet it was.
    His steps seemed louder the closer he got and it only made my heart get louder.

    "Where the fuck are you?" He mumbled, right in front of the couch.

    I almost gasped out. I bit my lip to the point where I felt blood trickle in my mouth. Warm tears slowly fell down my cheek, my body trembled so bad it was practically numb now. Don't make a sound, don't move.

    I opened my eyes, scanning the unusual quiet room before me. I turned to the side and silently looked for any sign of Kieran and when I centered myself I saw my own reflection in the window.

    The outside world didn't bother me, in fact I didn't even care for it. Not the sunset   
lighting the room in a golden tint once again. Not the tiny people walking freely around the city or the cars flying right by. It was the other figure in the window that made my body freeze and my heart drop. I couldn't keep my cries to myself anymore, they were coming out like waterfalls. I gasped out, turning my head to the side to find Kieran staring down at me while he breathed heavily. Like a wild beast.

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