The Beginning

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The days ticked by slowly, each day passing like a month within its own. The window was cold with the morning spring chill. The incident, y/n remembers, was something he didn't mean to do. He didn't want this to happen, he never did. It was something he was never able to contain or control.
And now here he is, 2 years later, locked up like a bird in a cage. He was only 15 at the time. Young and not in control. It wasn't his choice. His parents hated him. Hated him for many reasons. He never knew that something little like his sexuality would send them over the top. Every day his father would gel rude comments towards him. His mother would just leave him in his room all day, telling him he wasn't allowed to come out until he 'fixed' himself. How was he to fix himself? If he could, he would change himself to be able to be around the people he used to love. But he couldn't. He didn't know how.
The only word on y/n's mind was 'Help'. He needed someone, anyone, to come and save him from his own bloodline. There was a banging noise on the door.
"Y/n! Get your filthy ass downstairs! Now!" His father yelled.
"Mother doesn't want me leaving my room." He replied sternly. Well, as stern as his voice could even dare get towards his father.
"Well I do! And don't you dare fucking speak to me like that!"
Y/n stood silently from his bed and walked towards the door, creaking it open slowly. He hated looking at his father. He was nothing but a piece of shit dipshit who would be asleep all day and drink all night.
He made his way down the carpeted stairs, making sure not to be too loud, just in case. He looked to his right and saw the front door open. Why? He didn't know. Could he use it for his own good? Of course he could.
"Clean this shit up." His father demanded, pointing to the cans scattered across the living room floor.
"Take them outside when you're done as well."
He started picking up the metallic containers and glass bottles, placing them gently in a plastic bag. He was careful to do everything gently. Anything could set his father off.
He walked outside and stared into the rising sun. So many opportunities right now. He walked over to the big garbage bin outside and dropped the contents of the bag outside. Now he has a chance. He looked over to the forest across the road. He could run, leave forever. Maybe find someone who could help. Anything to get him to safety.
He looked back at his father through the doorway, watching his every move. He had made the decision: he was going to run and escape this broken home.


𝐃𝐨𝐧'𝐭 𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐫𝐲 {creepypasta x male!reader} (REWRITE)Where stories live. Discover now