57: The end

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Eli POV:

By the time I turned eighteen, I had gone on two US tours and won a collective of fifteen Grammys. I was still living in New York, but I moved out about a week after my eighteenth birthday to a studio apartment on the top floor in the heart of Chelsea.

I was still at my brothers' almost every day with my bullshit since I was still in high school for a couple of months after I moved out. Lorenzo started specializing in psychology, partly because of me as he loved to say. He wanted to do the same as I did, help people. For me, it was speaking out and funding programs, for him, it was more practical. 

Antonio graduated from business school three years before his youngest peers, which he would not shut up about. He took a leap year before joining Alessandro and Matteo at Borrelli Industries as the new CFO. 

He traveled a lot with our drummer Elise after they got together. It happened pretty quickly after everything blew up, tho I wasn't informed until a few months later. They were really cute together, with Antonio living very much in his shell and Elise constantly pushing him out of it, they were the perfect match. They did fight a lot, but it was never serious, and I guess that's what kept it alive.

Gabriele got into the school of visual arts, and there, he pretty much gave up on his grades, much to the dislike of Alessandro. He was doing pretty good with his art, and it was selling like crazy. I had a few of his works in my apartment, and all my friends were always gawking at them. He was an incurable single guy with girls falling at his feet. 

After some time, he came out as aromantic, which didn't surprise me. What actually surprised me was when he did a showing of his art, and there were just a bunch of paintings of our family. Of course, they were blurry and nothing could be tied to us, but it was really beautiful. He captured the best moments, of my life and displayed them for everyone to see, and I loved it.

Diego started high school with near-perfect grades, which he always thanked me for. He and Ida lived perfectly normal, happy lives, with Snuffles and me, on many occasions. Yeah, I started flying to Chicago more often to see Diego, once he started high school, and slowly I went closer and closer to my old neighborhood until one day, I drove right up to the church, and attended the Sunday service. It was different, once my father wasn't up there, but the themes were still the same. I guess not everyone can change, or at least they'll take a bit more time. 

Jess moved in with me after a while of me living on my own. She basically spent every day there already, so we just made it official. Our apartment soon became the new favorite hangout spot for our friends. They'd come by every time we went out and always stay the night, which I wasn't going to complain about.

Jess got into NYU for fashion design and moved to Florence, Italy for a few months. We ended up flying a lot during those months, all of us. My brothers took me to Sicily, where my family came from, and there was a bunch of people, who had stories about my parents, that I really didn't need to hear, but I still nodded along politely.

As Jess started with NYU I got into Julliard and started studying composing. I took courses for about six months before dropping out. It was when I started a world tour, that I realized, I might not need that diploma after all.

My friends all got into one of the top schools, proving once again, that with money and connections, everything is possible. Damian got into a top college, where he played football like a fucking beast, really getting the attention of some important people.

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