20: One good day

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Eli POV.

Friday was the first nice day after the night I woke everyone up. On Thursday, I talked with my brothers about treating me like a human being, and I think they got it, so Friday morning I got up, went on my run, and didn't come back to Lorenzo smothering me with that annoying high-pitched voice.

School wasn't that exciting, but I guess that means I was slowly getting used to it, which I liked. I could be just a kid going to school, complaining about teachers and cafeteria food.

"You could not be more wrong, yes snow white is a classic, but she sucks! The only right answer is Mulan, I mean, she saved her fucking country and killed a bunch of bitches, while looking amazing," I ranted to Jess, who made the mistake of starting a conversation about Disney princesses with me.

"Okay, I'm gonna give you that, but what about Tiana?" she asked with a cocked eyebrow.

"No, still not better than Mulan," I said proudly crossing my hands.

"Did someone ask Eli about those Disney princesses? A huge mistake," Gabriele said as he walked up behind me.

"Actually we didn't ask, they just started this," Jess said earing a jab in the ribs.

"Oh, fuck off," I said before turning to my brother.

"What's up?" I asked.

"Nothing, I just wanted to see if you'd be okay, with Ethan coming over tonight?" Gabriele asked trying to seem collected, but I could see how nervous he was.

I just rolled my eyes and punched his arm.

"I already told you, it's fine, I like Ethan, he's cool," I said not liking, that I had to repeat myself.

"Uhm, yeah, he does have a green aura," Gabriele said nodding along with a smirk.

"First Jess and now you? What is it with you people bullying me?" I pouted throwing my hands in the air.

"Come on, what did I do now?" Jess said with a playful eye roll.

"You know what you did," I said faking a break in my voice.

After school, Gabriele and Ethan waited for me at the car. I still didn't know how they always got there before me, but I guess I just had short legs.

"Bye, short stuff," Abby said with a win before going off with Manny.

"Bye-bye straggot," I said rolling my eyes.

"You ready to go?" Gabriele asked me as I walked up to the car.

"Sure thing, let's ride off into the sunset," I said high-fiving un unexpected Ethan.


"No! It's my brother driving, I get shotgun!" I called back, basically wrestling Ethan for the car door.

"Yeah, but he'd choose me any day, wouldn't you?" Ethan said with puppy eyes.

"Just for that, you're never getting shotgun," Gabriele said gagging over the look Ethan shot him.


"Not fair, I'm your best friend," Ethan complained.

"Not anymore," I said sticking my tongue out as I climbed onto the front seat.

We let Ethan pick the music since he had to sit in the back. He immediately cheered up and put on a playlist consisting, almost entirely of drum & bass. We ended up shaking the internet car with our dancing, while Gabriele was ready to throw hands at either one of us.

Eli BorrelliDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora