8: First screw-up

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Eli POV.

Slowly everyone started coming downstairs and sat at the kitchen counter. Matteo had already eaten, but he stayed and made pancakes with me for everyone. 

To be honest I didn't think about making them breakfast. I just thought it was something I was supposed to do. I know not everyone made breakfast for their parents and families, but for me, it was just a habit, something I always had to do. I didn't even dare to question it until then.

One time I slept in, because my dad had smashed my phone, so mum smacked me across the face and didn't let me eat for three days. So, I just made food every day after that. I also started waking up early just in case. That's the thing about me, I always learned from my mistakes.

The three oldest brothers were already down and eating, while Antonio and Gabriele slept in. I wish I knew how to do that.

"You really outdid yourself, Theo," Lorenzo said after finishing his breakfast.

I grabbed his plate and started washing it earning a couple of confused looks, but I pretended not to notice. Maybe I shouldn't have. The rules of that house were so confusing.

"Actually, Eli woke up way before me and cooked today," Matteo said with a smile creeping up his face.

"Seriously?! This is amazing," Lorenzo said with wide eyes, as Alessandro just nodded with a surprised smile.

"What can I say, I'm an excellent cook," I said grinning.

"You know, you didn't have to do this, right?" Alessandro said trying to study my face.

"I was already up so why not," I simply put. 

I knew I messed up earlier with Matteo, but I hoped that I could be convincing enough that time, that he'd forget about it.

"Well, I'm gonna go wake the kids up. They have to try this," Lorenzo said getting up.

"Oh, you don't have to do that. I can just make them new ones, when they wake up," I said trying to stop him from bothering the boys.

"Nonsense," he just said and climbed up the stairs.

I just hope they won't be too upset. I couldn't handle it if they were angry. Why tho? Why was I so scared of it? Come to think of it, fuck it. If they're man, I'll just run away.

Antonio was a bit grumpy but softened after he got pancakes, while Gabriele was already awake when Lorenzo went to wake him up.

When everyone was there, I was left wondering if I could eat. I knew they told me the night before that I could, but maybe it wouldn't be okay anymore.

As a test, I put a pancake on my plate and took a tiny bite expecting to be yelled at, but nothing happened. I looked around and found the boys having a conversation about god knows what, and not even paying attention to me eating. I decided to take advantage of that, and I stuffed the pancake in my mouth before grabbing the rest of the plates and washing them.

I felt the water burning my hands, calming me down as I scrubbed the plates clean. It had been a hectic morning even tho I didn't want to admit it so I really needed that. I let out a sigh, before focusing back on the plates and finally letting the burning water fall down the drain.

"So, what would you like to do today?" Lorenzo asked me after breakfast.

I was taken aback by his question. I had no idea, I thought they would tell me what to do. Normally I'd be at work already, or studying, or if it was a good day playing somewhere. None of those seemed like the answer they were looking for.

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