36: Dates

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Eli POV.

My brothers were not happy when I told them I was going to skip our Friday movie night, but when I explained I had a second date, they reluctantly let go. However, I had to promise them to do it on Saturday. 

On Thursday, I went to the studio after school and recorded Sorry. it took me a few hours to get everything right, but in the end, I was more than satisfied. I wrote almost exclusively rock music, but I had some ballads in the mix, Sorry being one of those. It was just me, piano, and the occasional soft guitar and drums.

I released the song Thursday night, and my brothers immediately played it throughout the house. I could see them listening to the lyrics and the track so carefully, while also swaying to the song.

There was something so loving about the way they listened to my songs. They wanted to know the second it came out and wanted to look at the response, which I never did. They all added it to their favorites and sang along to the chorus. I had never felt more proud of my work, than at that moment, maybe because I never felt anyone else being proud of me for it.

On Friday, my song was already playing on the radio, which my brothers pointed out to me as I got back from my morning run. They were all huddled around the radio listening to my song with proud smiles on their faces.

At school, some people were talking about Young and Damned releasing a new song, and it being "completely different from their previous ones." I just smiled to myself and kept on walking.

As Friday night got closer and closer I got pretty nervous once again. I had a full-on outfit crisis, but decided to ask interest for advice, and landed on a dark red collar shirt and straight black pants, with a shit ton of rings and chains. I must admit, I looked hot as fuck. 

I was waiting with my bike outside Jess' apartment as they walked out the door.

She was wearing straight green pants and a black top that had an open back with strings going across. She looked absolutely breathtaking and I'm pretty sure I stared at them for a bit too long because they started laughing at me.

"Close your mouth," she said grabbing my chin and closing it for me.

I took advantage of the moment and brought their lips to mine.

"You look amazing," I said as I slowly pulled away.

Jess just blushed and climbed to the back of the bike.

I didn't have to beg Antonio as much to let me borrow the bike. He just gave me the eys, gave me the usual string of threats, and wished me good luck on my date.

We arrived at the club around eleven so you could hear the faint music even on ground level. 

There was a bouncer, that made sure, only the ones, that had passes got in. He was a buff guy wearing a dashing black suit, that could intimidate anyone if their brothers weren't the exact same kind.

I held Jess' hand, as we walked up to the man, who was looking at us with a raised eyebrow.

I remembered our deal and showed the guy my tattoo. It was a tiny pistol behind my ear, that I got when I was twelve after my first suicide attempt. The bouncer immediately straightened back up, and let us in.

"What the fuck just happened?" Jess asked with a laugh as we got in the elevator.

"I know some people," I said with a grin knowing my secrecy was annoying as hell.

Eli BorrelliWhere stories live. Discover now