7: Maybe family

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Eli POV.

It was already dark outside when I threw myself on the bed. It was way too soft, compared to the ones I was used to. I couldn't help the memories coming back. It had been so long since I'd seen those eyes, and even tho I knew they weren't hers, my dumbass brain connected Alessandro's to those grey eyes I learned to fear.

I was going to sleep soon, so dug out my phone and once again called my little brother.

"Hey E!" Diego called as he saw my face.

"Hiya little D," I called back with a smirk.

"Shut up," he said pouting.

"What's it like there? You haven't run away yet have you?" Diego asked half-joking.

"Still very much here," I answered with a groan.

"By the way, when I said they were loaded, it doesn't even begin to describe this shit," I said turning the camera around to show Diego.

"Holy shit!" he screamed with a huge grin.

"Yeah, you aren't leaving that place. When can I move in?" he teased with a smirk.

"I hope I won't have to leave, but I still feel bad about leaving you, you know?" I said with a sad smile.

"We went over this you whore! You didn't have a choice," Diego said in a serious tone.

"I know. It's still so fucking stressful. I have no idea what they want me to do or say, and I really need a smoke right now," I rambled.

"Check your backpack's inner pocket," Diego grinned knowingly.

"You didn't!" I exclaim as I ran to my bag.

Sure enough, in the inner pocket, there were four blunts, six pills, and a pack of ciggies. I was in heaven, even tho I didn't take pills so much anymore.

"Dude I love you so much right now," I said scrambling to find my lighter.

Diego just laughed, as I threw the context of the bag all around the room. When I found it he started talking:

"Take a long drag, it's the good stuff..."

I gave him a deathly glare.

"...or so I've heard, and relax, go to sleep and call me tomorrow," Diego ended with a playful smirk.

Of course, I knew he smoked. He was a fucking drug dealer, but I didn't like it. that's why I made sure he only had to sell in emergencies. I sent him enough money for him to survive, but I knew he still had to do that shit.

"Bye-bye," I said with a blunt between my lips and a grin on my face.

"Goodnight," he responded making a heart with his fingers, which I returned, before ending the call.

I opened the glass door to the balcony and stepped out. It was a bit chilly, but I knew that the smoke would warm me up.

I climbed on the railing and let my feet hang over the yard. I could see New Yorks's lights somewhere over the woods, as I brought the lighter to my lips.

I slowly pulled out the burner phone I had gotten from Carlos. I would keep it under my mattress for situations just like this.

The phone rang three times before a familiar voice picked up.

"Waddup Eli," Carlos called from the other side of the line.

Eli BorrelliWhere stories live. Discover now