Chapter 36: Stairway to Heaven!

Start from the beginning

"Use Leech Seed!"

Shroomish began to spit out a few seeds towards Geodude, but Roxanne figured so and yelled,


The seeds that were stuck to Geodude's body split open as Geodude rolled into a ball and sped forwards, knocking Shroomish back again. Shroomish cried out in pain as it fell to the ground again, and Lucas yelled,

"Are you okay?"

Shroomish nodded as it got up from the floor with a bit of difficulty. Lucas knew that this battle wasn't going his way right now, and Roxanne looked even more bored by Lucas than before. She yawned, and Lucas looked to the rocks around for any sort of way they could be used for his advantage. Then, he found four rocks in the middle resembling the outline of a kite. Lucas looked to all of them and then yelled to Shroomish,

"Plant Leech Seeds on those four rocks that are shaped like a kite."

Lucas pointed, and Shroomish immediately rushed over. It plumed seeds out at each rock as it ran past. Roxanne was uncertain what he was trying to do, but she wouldn't stand for it. She yelled out,

"Roll after Shroomish! Don't let it plant those Leech Seeds!"

Geodude began to roll in the area like a kite, just as Shroomish placed down the third round of Leech Seeds. Then, it jumped over Geodude as it planted a fourth round of Leech Seeds at the other rocks. Then, it ran in front of one of the sides, just as Geodude began approaching.

"Dodge, now!", Lucas yelled, and Shroomish dived to the side. Then, as Geodude approached the side length of the kite, vines sprouted out. It bounced into them, then bounced off and into another side of vines. Then, the cycle continued as Geodude found itself unable to slow down as the speed increased and increased. It was sapped of a bit of its health at every stage, until it eventually bounced off of the far vine, heading straight towards the top rock. It smashed into the rock at top speed, and dust formed around Geodude. Then, when it cleared, Geodude had swirls in its eyes.

Roxanne stood in disbelief. Geodude had just been defeated like that when she had let her guard down. She looked at Lucas for a second time, but this time without the same bored expression. Lucas smiled at her and she smiled at him as well, almost laughing at herself.

"Geodude is unable to battle! Shroomish is the winner!"

Geodude was returned back to its Pokeball by Roxanne, and she whispered into it,

"I let my guard down. Sorry. But, we'll still win, I'm sure of it."

Roxanne brought out Nosepass' Pokeball and tossed it onto the battlefield, yelling,

"I choose you, Nosepass!"

Nosepass popped out, taking firm ownership of the ground that it stood upon. It towered above Shroomish, but Shroomish wanted to at least do its best to take down the rocky mountain. The referee called out for the battle to begin and Shroomish made the first move.

"Use Leech Seed!", Lucas yelled. Shroomish jumped into the air and plumed out a few seeds onto Nosepass, which sprouted into vines that sapped a tiny bit of health from Nosepass. Roxanne thrust her arm forwards as she yelled,

"Use Metal Sound!"

The metallic sound rang through the stadium, but the vibrations broke down the vines around Nosepass' body and around the rocks. It also stopped Shroomish in its tracks, as it felt the vibrations course through the ground and stun it for a little bit. Long enough for Roxanne to command,

"Rock Throw!"

Nosepass pounded the ground hard then pushed the rock towards Shroomish at top speed. It flew into the Mushroom Pokemon before coming to a halt on the ground, then threw away Shroomish from the rock. Shroomish slid to Lucas' feet, and Lucas recognised the swirls in its eyes.

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