Chapter 2: A Fateful Encounter!

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Route 101.

The most calming and friendly route in the entirety of the Hoenn region. It is very popular with beginner trainers who want to increase their experience with their Pokemon, as well as the residents of Littleroot, who would go there often for just a relaxing walk through the plains. But, Lucas and Harry weren't here for a relaxing walk, or to train their Pokemon. They were there to get their first Pokemon. They both ran through the plains of Route 101 at top speed and looked around for any sign of a lab coat, or just any Pokemon really. It was quiet for it being midday and nothing seemed to be moving at all. Everything seemed tranquil and relaxing, with the only sound being the rustling of the leaves under the calm breeze. Lucas asked Harry,

"You see anything?"

"Nah, other than a couple of Taillows.", Harry said, pointing to a couple of Taillows nesting in a tall tree. Lucas smiled and flung his bag onto the floor, opening the small compartment at the front which housed both his Pokemon Center Pass and an opened pack of Sitrus Berries. Lucas took a couple in his left hand and threw them up into the nest, the two Taillow in the nest being able to catch them in their beak and swallow them whole. Lucas grinned as the Taillow chowed down on it like the best meal of their life. Harry then looked at Lucas, with a slightly bored expression on his face, and asked,

"You done?"

"Yeah, I am.", Lucas replied, snapping out of his slight daze. He pushed himself from the floor, grabbing his bag. Harry helped to zip up the back compartment, and then told Lucas,

"Right, let's get going."


Five minutes of running around the fields of Route 101 had yielded nothing in terms of being able to find the professor or the starter Pokemon they were promised. Only course throats from all the screaming and shouting they did, trying to find their Pokemon.

"Professor Birch!"


"Random girl I don't know!"

They looked around long after their voices were starting to go from all the shouting, searching through every nook and cranny of the Route. Or, at least, anywhere that seemed vaguely familiar to them. They found a couple of stray items along the way, a small and damaged Great Ball and a strange-looking potion that seemed not to heal Pokemon's health, but to revitalize their energy to fight. Lucas hadn't seen anything like it before but kept it close to him in case it ever proved handy. But, after a while of not even finding anything, people or Pokemon, Lucas began to tire out. He collapsed onto a plain of grass, sighing as he laid back, basking in the sun's warmth.

"Do you think Brendan's already back at the lab waiting for us?", he asked, looking up at Harry, who was still scouting out the area ahead of them, trying to find some sort of people or Pokemon. Then, he looked back at Lucas and responded,

"I don't think so. We would've passed him by now, and besides, exploring here will give us more opportunity when we do get our Pokemon."

"Are you sure? I think we should just go back to the-


A course scream suddenly came from the left of where Harry stood and Lucas lay. Lucas jumped up at the speed of sound and thought the voice that screamed out was familiar. Then, something strange hit Lucas. He felt like he could hear Brendan's voice and the ruffling of the grass beneath a Pokemon's paw. Then, he broke from the trance and looked over to the area where the scream had come from. They were on a perch at the highest point of the route, so they had a pretty good view over the plain. Through the grass, he could see movement. Instinctively, he knew that was where they needed to be. Through some feeling deep down inside of him.

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