Chapter 10: Petalburg City!

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"Water Pulse!"

Both trainers yelled simultaneously, and Torchic and Mudkip instantly obeyed their trainer's wishes. Mudkip jumped up into the air and fired off a Water Pulse at the Taillow standing in front of it. The Taillow attempted to get into the air to fly away but found it couldn't, and was hit with the full brunt of the attack. Then, the second Pokemon, a Wurmple, attempted to rush at Mudkip, firing a string shot to try and hinder its movements. But, the string was soon burned to ashes as Torchic fired off an Ember, first to protect Mudkip, and secondly, to attack Wurmple. It flew at top speed towards the Bug Pokemon, and landed a critical hit, taking down the Pokemon instantly and winning the battle.

Lucas and Ellie smiled at each other and watched as the two trainers they were battling scampered to return their Pokemon after their exhausting battle. Lucas gave the two a Potion and said,

"It's just for any injuries. It should be able to fix them."

The trainers nodded and shook hands with Lucas and Ellie, both then making their way further down Route 102 in the opposite direction of Ellie and Lucas. The two older trainers smiled and continued on their path towards Petalburg City. Ellie told her Rotom to open the maps function, and found that they were just 5 minutes away from the border of Petalburg.

"Finally!" Lucas cried out, exhausted from the three hours of walking that the duo had endured, and the many battles that they had won without any sort of rest in between. Ellie echoed the same sentiment, not getting bored of the constant battles, but craving a harder challenge than a bunch of kids playing with their parents Pokemon. And, she hoped to get that in the form of the gym leader in Petalburg. She hadn't done much research into the gym beforehand, and even if she tries, she wouldn't have been able to find much of anything. It was the most remote gym in the entirety of Hoenn, not even broadcasting the many matches that took place within its confines.

As such, it was usually either the first or the last gym to be taken on in the region. Most that took it as the first challenge were more relaxed that their mistakes in battle, and possible failure, wouldn't be broadcast for the entire world. And, the people who took it last were usually the more glamorous type, preferring to take in all the attention they could, then doing the boring Normal gym at the end. But, Ellie was just hoping to be able to get all the badges and didn't care what the order was. All that mattered, was that she could reach the Hoenn League, and compete for the title of Champion.

"We're here!"

Ellie's thoughts were suddenly interrupted by a loud shout from Lucas, looking at the rows of buildings and houses coming into sight. He immediately started sprinting towards the buildings, with Torchic clinging onto his shoulder as he sprinted, with Ellie trying her best to keep up the pace. Lucas took his first step onto the stone brick path, the dirt on his shoes rubbing off as he ran and finally took in the sights around him.

The buildings were dotted around the area, each of varying shades of orange, white or blue, and flora bloomed in every corner. The trees twisted above and gave shade to the entirety of the city, and the few patches of sunlight were covered by flowers of all kinds. Daffodils shined in the sun, fuchsia sprouted out of a bed of dirt, and lavender whipped up its sweet scent all around the city. He'd usually be able to spot the Pokemon Centre from the entrance of the city, but it seemed that the Pokemon Center had ditched the modern neon red and white lights, and instead worked on integrating more organically into the many buildings of the city. Ellie caught up with Lucas, and the two started strolling through the city, searching for the Pokemon Centre to let their Pokemon rest, or for the first gym.

Lucas saw a building in the distance that had a Pokeball chiselled into its rocky front, a clear indicator of a Pokemon Center. They walked up the unsound stairs, pushed open the double doors and entered into the small building. Lucas looked around and found that the interior had remained entirely the same as the other Pokemon Centres, despite the outside being completely different. It didn't bother the duo much though. The design brought a certain relaxing and calming feeling, and it worked for the Pokemon as well. Lucas brought out a Pokeball and told Torchic,

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