Chapter 3: Fiery First Battle!

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"Scratch, now!"

Torchic leapt into the air, springing from its tiny legs and heading straight towards a wild Wurmple sitting in the grass. Torchic lunged its thin leg towards Wurmple, hoping to at least cause some damage. But, Wurmple just dodged out of the way, firing back a thick layer of string. It wrapped around the Torchic's leg and the Wurmple quickly yanked its head back, the string attached to its body propelling Torchic along the floor, then face-first into a tree. The string split apart as Torchic face-planted the floor, leaving it dizzy and disoriented on the floor.

The Wurmple quickly created a line of string and tried to swing from the branches above as an escape option. But, Lucas, in a desperate attempt to catch his second member, flung a Pokeball at the Wurmple with no sort of accuracy. The Pokeball ended up completely missing the Pokemon, and smashing into a tree, falling into shards of red and white. The Wurmple then swung out of sight and left Lucas with an injured Torchic. He quickly rushed over to his injured partner, using a spray of Potion to make the injury to his leg much less apparent, and used the string left over to carve a small bandage to wrap around Torchic's knee.

"Is that better?" he asked, letting go of the makeshift bandage to see if it held, and it surprisingly did hold its shape, even when Torchic started bouncing around with a big smile on its face. The smile spread to Lucas's face, and even Ellie's, who had been watching the battle.

"You two have a strong bond already, don't you?" Ellie said, nearly making Lucas jump out of his skin.

"Hello to you too, Ellie." Lucas said, and Ellie chuckled slightly.

"That still doesn't answer my question."

"Well, I'd say so. I've always had a strange obsession with Torchic from the moment I first saw one on TV, and to be the trainer of one right now. It's surreal."

Lucas then got up off the floor, scooping up Torchic and holding it gently in his arms.

"Now it's my turn, how's you and your Mudkip's relationship going?"

"Why don't we find out?" Ellie said with a smirk as she gripped a Pokeball from her pocket. She threw it up into the air, shouting,

"Let's show them what we can do, Mudkip!"

Mudkip quickly popped out of the Pokeball and landed perfectly on the ground, taking a battle stance quickly. Ellie smiled and yelled out,

"Water Pulse, on that tree!" she said, pointing to a tree about a hundred yards away, and Mudkip reacted instantaneously. It opened its gaping mouth, and a sphere of water came out and shot at the tree, leaving a mark on the tree that was apparent even from the distance that Lucas and Ellie were standing. Lucas was left amazed by the two's teamwork and said,

"Wow, that was amazing! It looks like you were training for months!"

"Thanks," Ellie said, smiling wide."But, we have been training for months."

"Wait, so you didn't get your Pokemon yesterday like we did?"

"No, I actually caught it in the wild a few months back, and we've been training for our adventure ever since."

"Wow. So, then, can we have a battle?"

"I'm sorry?"

"Well, since you guys are so strong together, I wanna try and get more in sync with my partner as well." Lucas said as he tickled Torchic's nose, making it laugh hysterically. However, Ellie was uncertain as to whether to accept the challenge.

"I don't know. Shouldn't you start on some more lower level Pokemon and work your way up?"

"I just want to battle to try and gage where I need to improve. You're at the advantage here, so it'll be the perfect challenge."

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