Chapter 73: Monster...

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TW for this chapter: Death of Minor Characters, Implied Suicide. Generally, some pretty dark themes. So, approach this chapter with some caution. It's not that bad, I promise. Just, be mentally prepared (I should feature that mental preparation thing before a lot of chapters lol). Anyways, I hope you enjoy.

Darkness filled Lucas' vision, as his head soared with pain. He found himself lying against the dusty and hard concrete floor, with no recollection of how he'd got there. Nor was there a light so he could identify where he actually was. It was a blur of darkness. Lucas tried to move his hands first, with the little strength he had after waking up. But, he found them tied together. Not with any rope, but by some sort of electrical current that wrapped around his wrists and around his shoes, that suddenly zapped him whenever he made any sudden movements. Including, the sudden jerk of his head to see what was holding his hands together.

The sudden jolt of electricity passed through his body, dropping him to the floor instantly, although not shutting off his brain this time. So, with greater caution, he got up again and shuffled backwards with nuanced and slow movements, trying to find a wall to lean his back against. Eventually, he found a wall, with wires running along the top, sparks flying ever so slightly in intervals. Still, it looked safe enough. Lucas looked for his backpack but found that it was nowhere to be seen, having presumably been taken when he was knocked completely unconscious. So, all Lucas could do was relax and look around. Except, this time, he found something. Someone sat, with the same handcuffs as him, made of crackling electricity. They appeared to be sleeping peacefully, laid out on the floor. Lucas lightly kicked at the man, causing him to suddenly awaken and set off the electricity,

"Who's there? What's happening? GAH!", he screamed as a sudden shock of electricity passed through his body, sending his body crashing to the floor again. Then, he slowly turned on his side towards Lucas, closely inspecting him and saying,

"Oh, you're the kid who I was fighting earlier. Hi, name's Jerry!"

Lucas was rather offset by the sudden change in tone than what he typically expected of Team Storm. Still, it was a welcome change of pace.

"Lucas. So, do you know where we are?"

"Beats me. But, I think we can work together to try and find out where we are. Deal?

"Of course."

The two of them looked around the room, with Lucas shuffling around, trying to see if there was anything he could interact with. He hugged the wall in his investigation, making sure not to venture too far so he had no clue where he was going. On hugging the wall, he managed to find a door. Perfect! Except, it required a terminal to use it, which was just out of reach for Lucas to use while he was tied up like that. So, that plan was a bust. Lucas tried kicking at the door, but all it did was alert the handcuffs, which sent another current through his body to sort him out.

"No luck there?", Jerry asked and Lucas said weakly,

"No, none."

"Well, let's recap. We were fighting at the terminal. Then, we suddenly get knocked unconscious. Now, we're here."

"Doesn't really give us any clues, does it?"

"Nope, none at all. Wanna resort to kicking on the door until someone lets us out?"

"Sure.", Lucas said as they both proceeded to beat the ever-loving daylights out of the blastproof door. It didn't even leave a scratch on it, but it was more fun than just laying around in the dark. And, at least something, or someone, might be able to hear them and let them out.

"So, why is Team Storm so interested with New Mauville?"

"Kid, wish I could tell you. But, you'd probably have to ask Hugo about that stuff. He knows much more about it than me."

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