Chapter 40: The Stone of the Night...

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Seijo rode from the top of the falls, heading over to where the Team Storm Grunts were starting to file in through the door with their Pokemon in tow. Most of the people gave up and submitted to Team Storm as soon as they threatened to inflict violence. Except for a few people. A few stood up to the crowd with their Pokemon, but the grunts outnumbered them 5 to 1. But, as Seijo dropped into the battle, it suddenly became an even match.

"Hey, he's the Petalburg Gym Leader!", one of the grunts cried out from behind, and all eyes turned on Seijo. Seijo snarled and shouted back,

"Not anymore, since you destroyed my home!"

Crobat immediately cut through the crowd instantly, using Brave Bird to scatter the crowd of people and Pokemon. It knocked out about five Pokemon in one fell swoop, and a few of the grunts fell to the floor, completely unconscious from Crobat swiping them in the head. Then, the six grunts remaining threw out their own Pokemon. A Houndoom, a Golbat, a Solrock and Lunatone, a Raichu, then an Arcanine.

The few people who stood up to Team Storm finally threw out their Pokemon, but Seijo found that only a couple had actually stepped up to fight, rather than the others who were simply using their Pokemon as protection of themselves. One was an older-looking hiker with long black hair, dark skin and a long beard. He clearly had a lot of experience, shown off by his aged and matured Golem as his partner. Then, there was a younger-looking scientist type, wearing a long lab coat. She had short blonde hair, a pale face and green eyes. She looked unsure of herself when she threw out her Pokemon, and her small Morpeko matched her timid attitude.

"Alright, Golem, send these ruffians back where they came from!", the hiker yelled as Golem cried out, then rolled into a ball. It spun rapidly on the spot until it burst through the crowd, rolling over the Arcanine, Raichu and Houndoom, while the Golbat, Solrock and Lunatone floated elsewhere. But, then came Morpeko.

"Uh, lets start with Aura Wheel, Morpeko! Aim up high!"

Morpeko's body burst with electricity as it spun and jumped off of the ground, homing onto each Pokemon. It struck Golbat hard, knocking it down to the ground instantly. Then, it bounced to Lunatone, then to Solrock, and then landed back on the ground.

"Great job Morpeko!", the researcher said with a bright smile as she seemed to take pride in her Morpeko. But, now the grunts had the opportunity to attack back. The Houndoom and Golbat had been taken out, but the others still had some fight.

"Raichu, Thunderbolt on that Golbat!"

"Arcanine, Flamethrower!"

Both streams of thunder and fire headed straight towards Crobat, but the others began to chip in to help Crobat. The researcher looked at the thunderbolt and knew immediately that the thunderbolt would be devastating, as a super effective attack. So, the researcher yelled to Morpeko,

"Hey, Morpeko, use that Thunderbolt to boost your Aura Wheel!"

Morpeko nodded and spun around, boosting in front of the thunderbolt and gathering energy as it spun around. Meanwhile, the hiker knew that Golem has went through enough to shrug off the Flamethrower without an issue.

"Alright, Golem, I need you to protect that man's Crobat. Use Iron Defense!"

Golem rolled in front of the attack and plated itself with iron, and the flamethrower became ineffective. It just shone against the clean steel. The hiker smiled with pride, finally glad that his training could pay off in some meaningful way. Then, Morpeko boosted through the Thunderbolt and bounced to Lunatone, knocking it into Solrock. Both were completely knocked out of the sky into a wall, and then Morpeko let off a burst of energy, stunning Arcanine and even Raichu.

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