Chapter 66: Growing and Evolving...

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Ralts was in another place. That's all that it knew for now. The place was not like the battlefield at all, but all Ralts could see of it was darkness. Then, slowly, the darkness faded to reveal the route where it had grown up on. Rivers ran down the middle, vines sprouting from ancient trees, and plains of grass frolicking all around. It had just slowly appeared to Ralts now, and the Pokemon found that it was sitting on a rock atop a hill, looking down on the route. Ralts looked from side to side, scanning the area for anything new. It only found the occasional Magikarp roaming through the river and a few Pokemon that were also hiding amongst the grass and trees. But then, two trainers suddenly appeared before it. Both of them, ones that Ralts recognized quite vividly.

Ellie and Lucas were sat, Ellie consulting data and talking with Lucas while her Pokemon frolicked in the river. That was when...deja vu suddenly kicked in for Ralts. It was like it had been in this situation before. Suddenly, the flashes of other trainers, different from Ellie and Lucas, appeared before Ralts, except this time, there were Ralts' brothers and sisters sitting alongside the rocky front, looking down at a couple of hunters all masked in bandanas. Then, the hunters stared up, and it cut back to Ellie and Lucas, Ellie staring at Ralts for a second, before bringing out Mudkip to fight with. Ralts quickly teleported away, only to find that in that time, it has shifted once again. It was the hunters again, shouting at each other, one of them barking orders while the other grunts went to work, slowly beginning to capture every single one of Ralts' family that hadn't teleported away.

Once again, the world began to glitch, shifting into the visions of Ellie again, confidently leading Mudkip into battle. Ellie slipped Mudkip's Pokeball and armed herself with a Pokeball, ready to capture Ralts, just like the others. But, Ralts would not let itself be caught so easily. Not now. Yet, despite Ralts having the advantage at every stage of the battle, Ellie was so determined that she just kept on fighting regardless. It was admirable, but Ralts needed to end things now. So, a wall of barriers appeared, forming a trap that sent Mudkip hurdling into the wall. The battle was over, and Ralts had evaded capture. Except, it had done more than just won. It had harmed.

Blood began to seep from Mudkip's open wounds, a rare sight for sure. Then, it began to leak some more. Ralts looked over with shock as Ellie screamed out at Mudkip. Then, as Ralts' eyes became teary, the world shifted again, showing a hunter, in the same spot as Mudkip, lying on the ground. An open wound appeared on its head, crimson rushing out. Meanwhile, the boss ordered his men to retreat to another spot. Yet, one tried to save their wounded friend. Ralts began to question what had happened until one of the men shouted out to Ralts,

"You bastard!"

Ralts...had done it. The man lay on the ground, trying desperately to save his friend. Ralts wanted to help, but suddenly, its body moved without permission. Ralts tried to pull back its hand, but it went forwards suddenly, emanating a psychic aura. Suddenly, the man looking over his fallen comrade began to lose concentration, clenching his head like his brain was throbbing. Ralts tried to pull back, but nothing could save it from the action it was committing. As the man's brain became scrambled, Ralts gained dominion over their body. Then, a violent swipe of Ralts' hand and...

The scene cut back to Ellie and Lucas, Lucas looking angrily up at Ralts. And, Ralts couldn't bear to look at the scene any longer. It teleported to somewhere foreign. It didn't care, as long as it was far away. But, its powers wouldn't work this time. It had to bear witness to the bloodshed it had dealt, the people, Pokemon. Ralts tried to close its eyes, but it was stopped. Then, the world shifted. A shadow appeared out of nowhere. It offered a way out, giving Ralts glimpses of darkness where it didn't have to see what it had done. The shadow loamed over, providing a quick solution to a temporary problem. Ralts, with defeat in its walk, roamed over to the shadow, beginning to accept the sweet defeat the shadow was offering it. Yet, a voice came from outside what Ralts knew. The voice of Ellie, begging for Ralts to break through and finish off the battle. With desperation and emotion in her voice, she sounded like she was about to burst into tears.

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