chapter 44

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Chapter 45
Mark’s Provo
I stared at the court order.
“ the nerve of that woman!” I gulped the whisky and poured another one.
I didn’t want her to stay away from her child but this.. this was going to ruin my reputation, my businesses. How could she do this without talking to me first? I would have given her permission to see her daughter. To heck with her and her law degree. She was going to fight to her last blood.
I gulped the last glass and made my way to Annabelle‘s room. She was fast asleep. I sighed, the travelling up and down was confusing her life. She needed to settle down.
Maybe giving Ivy custody of the child would be better. She would settle down. She won’t have to move with me every time I decide to go for a meeting. As it is, she was already behind with her study.
A small knock interrupted my thoughts.
“ Boss?” I looked at my head of security.
“ did you find anything on her?” he nodded.
“ I found her location. It wasn’t hard to find.” I nodded.
“ I have already sent it to your phone.” He looked pleased with himself. How could he not be pleased?
“ Thanks,” I said.
An hour later I was standing at her house. For a while, I just stood there hesitating on whether I should knock or not but fate had other plans. The door flew open to review Mona. She had changed. All those baby fat had vanished and before me stood a woman, the mother of my child.
Her body had shaped well at the end of the day. She now had the right curves in the right places.
“ Mona" I breathed and remembered the day she told me her name was Ivy. I shook myself out of that memory.
“ Sorry who? “she said. Her eyes narrowed at me.
“ I _l mean Ivy “ with the look of things she wasn’t going to let me in. I gently pushed her aside and strode in. I took in the appearance of the room.
Even her taste in furniture had changed. It advocates harsher and more pronounced.
“ you leave it in a short box? And you want to take my child away?” those words flew out of my mouth before I could stop them. Certainly, life hasn’t been treating her well and mentioning the size of the house was adding salt to the injury.
I had given her a home when I told her to find herself but a month later Craig had told me she had moved out. I cursed.
“ what did you just say?” I felt her presence behind me before I heard her voice. It still had the same effect on me. I took a deep breath. I had managed to stay out of sexual activities until now and I was going to jeopardize it now.
“ your house is too tiny, it suits as a dollhouse for Annabelle. “ I didn’t miss the hitch that happened. Not did I miss the tense atmosphere that suddenly intensified.
“ You will not come to my home and insult me, Mark. This is my home. I have suffered a great deal to get here. You lost that right the moment you stopped me from seeing my child that day. “ I heard a click of her tongue.
“ Yet you went into depression because of me?” I could feel her throwing daggers at my back.
“ if you have come here to insult me Mark then please leave. We will meet in court in the next three weeks, be prepared and prepare well. Not even your wealth will save you from me.” She had pride and arrogance and I had to give it to her.
“ I didn’t ’come here to insult you but to cut a deal with you.” She looked at me, weary in her eyes. She didn’t trust. How could she trust me after what had happened? Even I don’t trust myself anymore. I don’t know what I have become.
“You came to insult me" she raised her hands in the air.
“ Can I sit?” I inquired. It was more courtesy and buying myself time.
“ no you won’t, “ she said. If she could hurl me out of this room she would have done so. But little she weigh less than 200 pounds.
“look what happened in the past let it remain in the past. I love you once and I still love you. The court order is already damaging my business status and my reputation. And I am not ready to lose billions of dollars because of you. “ she huffed and made a face was she mimicking me?
“ look we are both adults and I can tell you, the past eight years took more from us than we ever gave each other” she rolled her eyes.
“ please only Julius Caesar could make a long brilliant speech without making it boring.” She mumbled more to herself than I did.
“ Let’s core parent, no strings attached, just core parenting. Andi will give you ten million to drop the charges. “ she inclined one eyebrow.
“ Twenty million?” she shook her head.
“ Sixty million. Take it or leave it. You and I know that the law will give me my child back despite your wealth Mr Kingwood,” had she moved on just like that.
“ I will deposit it in your account tomorrow. “ she nodded.
“ It was nice doing business with you. “ she said. She strode to the door and opened it wide.
“ I want to see my child tomorrow and my money as well. You are not to trust Kingwood. You slept with your own blood" she spattered.
Only if she knew I had no idea. Only if she knew how much I had grown to love her. I had watched her success from afar. In her first case, I helped her from afar. Maybe this was the punishment their Lord had to give to me for all those bad things I had done.
“ tell me if you need anything, “ I said.
“ I will not come to you even on my death bed. Never Mark. Do you understand me? Never.” If this is what pain feels like then I doubt want to feel like this.
For a moment I wish I could remove the barriers between us. Remove the bond of blood between us because every time I close my eyes, I see you, the very moment you walked through granny’s house. I wish…
I could have told her those words, and made her believe that I wasn’t the bad guy she sees me as. That I was also foolish at that time to have let circumstances come between us.
IVY’S Provo
People change, people, grow up, and people become agreeddrere you are greedy when you know it's yours. When you know you deserve it. But what I know is that people leave. We look for something better, something less toxic.
I stared at my new apartment. I had let greed take in but I wasn’t ashamed instead o was proud of it. I was proud of the woman I had become.
“ Are you my mother?” I turned and looked at the pale-skinned girl before me. Had Mark been feeding her at all.
“ Yes darling, I am your mother. “ she nodded.
She had taken more of Mark than I. Only her dark thick locks showered her mother’s roots. Showered my African roots. The only inheritance I could have given her.
“ Father told me, you were away studying. “ she smiled.
“ What did you study?” she seemed genuinely interested.
“ Law my precious baby,” I answered her. To have been thought I tried to remove her from my womb. To think that I had called him a monster at one point.
“ That is good, that means you send all the bad guys to prison “ I nodded.
“ That is so cool. My mother is a lawyer while my father is a businessman. Aren’t I the luckiest person on earth?”

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