chapter 23

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Chapter 23
Ivy's Provo
A week had passed, mom had arrived and Trisha was beyond repair. She would talk when needed but her wounds had healed but the scars would always remain.
“ Titi” I called out to her. She was studying that was what she was doing these days study, go to school and come back.
“ yeah” she looked up
“ I booked a therapy session for you. You need to talk to a professional, you need the help.” She smiled.
“ I know, I was thinking the same. “ I nodded at her.
“ Titi I am going to Africa tomorrow, Mark had to move the date but I promise I will come back before you know it.” She smiled.
“ Relax, I will be fine, plus the people were arrested there is no need to worry.” She smiled
“ go” she mentioned to me.
“ Welcome to Rainbow towers hotel.” the receptionist beamed at us, no that wasn't us. That was her trying to seduce Mark with her perfect smile.
“ you…  Mr Mark....”
“Kingwood ” Mark cleared his throat.  I swayed my eyes to his. Pain flashes onto his eyes before covering them. Why does he have a different surname than the others? 
“Let's check. Mmm yes room 21.” she handed him the key.  I waited eagerly for mine.
“ooh you sharing a room” I choked on my saliva.  Was he serious?  We are going to spend two weeks in Africa and I have to share a room with him.
“I.  I can't. I ” I whispered.  I don't want to share a room with you. I don’t want to be.
“let's go” I felt his hand at the small of my back. Pushing, guiding me. I let him lead me.
I sighed as I threw my bags on the floor.  Shoes I have no idea where I threw them.  The flight got me exhausted.
“Mona” I could feel  Mark's gaze on my lower back but his voice held a glint of annoyance.  To hell with him. I am tired and I want to sleep.
“Mona” his voice was harsher but gentle.  I never knew he has this side. The scary said. Whatever he wants to say let him say it when I am like this. What will happen if I turn around a d he strangles me. Haaa not going to happen.
“Mark please I am really tired, to be honest,” I snarled at him
“wake up and pick your things . Arrange them in order” his voice was soft so soft that I could not disdain where he was.
I don't care. I let sleep take me.
I felt a wet trail on my neck.  Whatever was on my neck was irritating me.
“What the hell,” I said as I yanked whatever was the slimy item on my neck.
“This isn't a pleasant good morning I expected ” Mark grunted as he continued with his trail of kisses.
“ Get off me, I want to sleep ” I pulled the covers up.
He nabbed at my ear lobs, as his breath against my silk skin.
“Then I just have to wake you up using my method.  It doesn't fail” I knew which method he meant, and I wasn't going to have sex with him. Not now not here.  I came for a vacation in Africa, not for sex.  I sighed in frustration as I pushed him away.
“I am up.” I yanked the covers from my body.
“Great, breakfast in ten” I mumbled a fuck you under my breath. 
I went for a quick shower. I felt relief as the warm water hit my cracked silk body.  I hummed a tune as I soaked myself in water. 
“This is beautiful, ” I said to myself as I step out of the water.
Five minutes later I walked out of the closet to where Mark had set the table.  The food looked yummy and delicious.  I swayed my eyes to my left, traditional food was served as well.
“It better taste good ” I chuckled. Mark nodded his head as he devoured the creamy vegetables.
“What was added in there ” I arched a brow as he grunted.
“Peanut butter  I guess ”
“Can I taste?” I said as I reached for his fingers which were covered in peanut butter?   I licked one by one, my eyes never waving from his. He groomed in satisfaction.
“Shit Mona, hold on” I licked my way to his mouth his grunts driving the inner me I never knew existed. 
I nibbled his lower lip before he grabbed me, positioning me in the place. As he devoured my lips.
I reached his already big bulge.
“ Fuck” He cursed as I opened the zip
“Mark ”
“Y yes” He breathed in as I got hold of his libido.
“ I have a question ” I played with his head, teasing him.
“Yes go on”
I let my other hand trail down his rising and falling chest
“ Why don’t you use Martins as your soul name.” He cursed
“It's complicated ”  He tried to get control as he spun us around. If he gets control I am done for   I can’t control able myself. 
“How complicated ” My voice trailed in the void laced with lust as I tore his shirt apart.  I gawked at that well-structured chest. I let my eyes drink his tanned skin, appreciating the world of the almighty.
“Like what you see” I nodded as I bite my lower lip.
“ I do” I giggled as spun us around getting the upper hand.
“don't you want to talk to me about why your soul name is different from mom,”  I said as I nibbled at his ear lobe. I was bound to get the answer from him gone what may. I know asking him nicely he will just brush it off.
“Does it matter Mona” I nodded my head.
“Don’t ruin this?” he said as closed the gap between us, his hand trailing to my inner thighs.  I didn't want to have sex with him right now. I wanted the truth but I started this, I started this. Just maybe I will get the truth after all.
The doorbell rang, making Mark unhook himself from me. I cursed as I watched him stride to the door. What the hell. It's still in the morning.  What if I just call mom and ask her why she doesn't share the same soul name with Mark.  Was I missing something?  Mom said she is her baby brother,  she trusts him like one so why a different soul name.
It took a few minutes for Mark to strode in, in all of his glory. His muscles flexed in that muscle top. When did he put that on?
“Let's go swimming ”

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