chapter 15

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Chapter 15

"Hey, Lizzy. How are you."
She looked at me and rolled her eyes. She was trying, by all means, to keep her anger to herself. Why is she angry now.
" more than you can imagine." she mumbled
I sighed. Her tone was fire to my soul. She sure knows how to get under my skin
"That is great. I assume... I want to talk to you about something." I said, watching her like an eagle.
"sure, go ahead." she shrugged and continued with her phone
"Ivy was crying... And I had seen you arguing... Do you mind telling me what it is? I am your uncle after all."
She grinned.
"Our uncle huh, an uncle who sleeps with his blood. Your blood. Do you want to trap me as you did to my sister? Hell no, Mark."
didn't expect her to know but she does. Only Ivy would have told her. That explains the anger. I am not proud of what I did, I just can't stay away from her. She occupied my mind the moment she stepped into this house.
"Lizzy, hear me out," I begged her.
"I just want to know the cause of her tears. I know what I did wasn't. You know right."
It was useless to explain myself to her.
"You Mark, you are the cause, couldn't you just keep your zip closed. You had to fuck your blood. You disgust me. I feel ashamed to call you my uncle, my blood and my family."
That hurts but what hurts more was the fact that I made her cry.
"If I were you, Mark, I would stay away from her. Stay very far! She is your blood at least respect that."
She walked out on me. I felt cold all over my body. I need to find her. All that was in my mind was the fact that she is crying because of me.
She wasn't in her room. Where the hell is she. I searched the whole house.
"Thank God. I met you, Terry." I said as I walked to him.
"What?" shit you can't even strike a conversation without him being him.
"Have you seen your sister, there is something I want to discuss with her?"
"Nope, haven't met her since she woke up and I don't want to." he walked away. Where the hell is she.
" ohh" he took a few steps and came back.
" That reminds me of something. Do not cross your boundaries. Get one fact clear. "
"Which is?"
What the hell is he blabbering about now.
" You are family, not an outsider uncle" he smiled and went his way
I pushed him away. He flinched at my action. I looked up at him. There was confusion in his eyes. I looked away.
"I.. I.. Just want to be alone. Mark."
He scrutinized me. He cupped my cheeks.
"Why were you crying." his voice was warm, and soft yet commanding something I could not tolerate. I command respect myself.
"Look at me, Ivy." I wasn't going to. No way am I going to look into those eyes. They were pulling me to him. TO the moment I met them.
"Talk to me Mona, why were you crying."
"No I wasn't crying, I just ... Something got into my eyes and.." Ivy my dear you should be awarded the first degree of lying. The guy can see through you.
"Are you sure?" I just nodded and pulled away from his embrace. I ran away from him. Tears clouded my vision. I could not see a thing.
Calm down Ivy, a voice at the back of my head said. You don't want to break like this in this house.
I strode to my room. Packed my clothes. I can't live in the same house as him. Not when his touch makes me weak, his voice doing wonders to my body. This was wrong and we both knew it. Lizzy was correct, I will end up getting hurt In the process.
Someone knocked at my door. I ignored. I continue with packing. The knock came once more this time louder than before.
"What? What do you want? I don't want to talk to anyone." I don't care who was at the door. The door flung open.
"I said go away."
"I will go, I was forced to come up here anyway," Terry said. He was the last person I expected. How do I explain why I am crying to him.
He looked at me for a few. Thank The almighty he didn't ask why I was crying.
"Where to Ivy." his voice wasn't harsh as usual. It was calm and that freaked me out. I am not used to this Terry. I am used to the snappy Terry.
"Why?" that was the question I didn't want to hear at this point.
"What happened to you. I have never seen you like this is."
Same here. I have never seen myself like this. This was surprising me like it was to him.
" I just want to be home. I don't want to stay here anymore."
I had just attracted more questions to myself. he stayed quiet doe a couple of seconds
"why? Did mom do something, did she say something. You know she doesn't mean it right." right, that coming from him was more creepy than ever. They are always throwing tantrums all the time and here he was defending her. Why had I not noticed this side of my brother?
"No, she did not do any of what you just said."
" I am your baby brother Ivy, you can talk to me, I will always be there to listen."
That is the problem, you are my baby brother Terry. I don't want you thinking I am loose as well. I have already done enough.
"It's just me. I needed space that's all. I will talk when I am ready."
I walked out of the room. He accompanied me.
" I don't want anyone to see me, Terry. Yes, I didn't tell mom I was leaving. " he just nodded. He seemed to understand what l was going through. I was grateful that he didn't ask more questions. I owe it to him.
I sat on my bed and breathed in the air that l had so missed. I have been away from Mark for a couple of hours and it felt like forever.
Mark had sent a message asking where I was. I didn't reply.
M: Mona just replies to me, please. People are worried about this side.
Ooh so he isn't. Ouch that hurts. Another message popped in.
M: fine just tell me you are safe.
Yeah, I am safe don't you worry. I don't have another dick shoved in my ass so don't worry. I wanted to tell him but I had no energy to deal with him.
After an hour he called. I left the phone ringing. I went to the tub. I immersed myself in the water. I lay down there for hours until the water ran cold. I got out and wraps my tiny body in the bathrobe.
Days passed and I never saw any message from Mark and that hurts. Somehow it felt like I had lost a part of me. Mom and my siblings came two days later. Mom tried to talk me out. I wasn't going to tell them that I lost my virginity to her brother.
Lizzy could not even look at me. There was pure disgust on her face. At least the holidays were over. Schools had opened. I focused all my energy on my end of year project
Whenever mom talked about Mark I would walk away. It hurts that since that day, he never texted, never called. It was now like he was never there. A part of me was empty.
Mom might have caught up, Mark was never discussed in the house when I was around. Whatever she thinks I can not limit her. It's her imagination after all.
Life went back to normal as usual, partying but I now dispersed boys. I didn't want them around. I could not bear the sight of them. There were like alcohol to me.
"Ivy aren't you excited about next week." Trisha beamed at me. I looked at my best friend.
"Yeah, I am. "
She looked at me. She had always known when I was lying. Her hands on her hips she looked at me from top to bottom.
"Yeah. Why won't I? I mean we are graduating next week. Who won't be." Enthusiasm lacked in my voice.
"What happened to you Ivy. Who broke you. I want to know, at least l
deserve that as your best friend." she knew something had happened that drained me but she never knew what. I felt guilty at that. We never hide secrets from each other and here I was doing that. She didn't know what happened at granny's place. It was only between me Lizzy, Terry and Mark who knew and I would like to keep it that way.
"I am not ready to talk about it." no I was ready to talk about For the past one year I had accepted my fate but I was not ready to be condemned by her, by the whole universe
"Whenever you are ready, know that I am always here."
I smiled at her. I knew that smile never reached my eyes. I saw sadness in those eyes. You are my best friend but I just don't want to drag you into the mud that's all.
" so are we going shopping." she beamed
"Yesss. I thought you would never ask. Let's go."
I grabbed mom's credit card and headed to the mall.

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