chapter 37

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Chapter 37
I stared at the figures that passed by, looked jovial, couples hand in hand laughing, kissing and I felt a pang of pain. They didn’t know the result of it. I had felt it first-hand. I had the urge to separate them to_
Mark had banned me from seeing my little girl. He had hired nanny after nanny for my little girl. She barely knows her mother. Fighting for her would be useless. People with money always get their way.
“ Ivy”
My feet were soldered to the ground as I cracked my neck to see Clara. She had been absent from my life since I gave birth. She had not uttered a word since.
“ Mother” she didn’t smile, she didn’t move, she just stared at me. Her hazel eyes gawked at my form.
I forced my torso to straighten up as I forced a smile.
“ you have come, come sit with me mother” her silence was a midnight dagger in my already fragile heart.
“ I see Mark has given you a house” it was one of the things he had sent me away with. A house. A house that was an inferno.
“ ahh this” I forced a smile on my dry lips, l licked them buying myself time to think of what to tell her.
“ it’s nothing “ she didn’t seem impressed rather she seemed disgusted.
“ So how have you been mother? Life is treating you well.” She scoffed and looked around before finally noticing me.
“ saw you on television, must I say what have I raised” her glare abandoned my ogre form to the far wall where a portrait of my baby hangs.
“ you have made a name for yourself dear child.” Her calm demurs sent a thrilling shiver down my Spain but she had always been calm, collected, calculating, and composed.
“ Do you want tea mother, I have some freshly baked biscuits.” I froze as she laughed.
“ and she bakes to? What have they done to you?” I plopped back onto the chair.
“ what do you want mother” she looked at me.
“ you will not stay in this house “
“ excuse me?” she thinned her lips.
“ do you have scotch “ I shook my head.
“you would not have.” Oblivious to my thoughts.
“ pack your things or rather I will pack them for you” she stood up and headed to where the bedroom chambers were.
“ excuse me where do you think you are going”
“ to your room of course. I left you unattended and went and slept with your cousin. What will you do if you leave by yourself? This apartment will become a glory hole for all who want to satisfy their worldly needs.” She pushed open my door and strode to the closet. She flung my clothes onto the mattress and got hold of a monarch at the far end.
“ This should do it” she stuffed all my clothes into the bag.
“ where are the keys” I chewed the inside of my cheeks refusing the urge to yell.
“ mother this is my house and you will not walk in here and demand things. This is a free country and I should be free as well.”
She touched the bridge of her nose.
“ nonsense, I gave you freedom and what did you do with it, “ iI didn’t see the reason to argue anymore.
“ over there. The keys are there” I pointed at the rail. She grabbed them and strode out I trailed behind her.
Our house still had the saying card. Had Mark not dealt with this issue. He had promised he would look into it. He had promised.
“ home sweet Alabama” she pushed me inside.
“ where are Terry and Lizzy”
“ boarding schools”
“ ohh” had I lost track of time or was time playing tricks with me.
I made my way to my room only to find it locked.
“ What is the meaning of this?” she shrugged her shoulders slightly.
“ oh don’t worry the room is being renovated.”
“ok” I walked to Lizzy’s door only to find it locked.
“forgot to tell you only my room is available and we will be sharing it.” She snickered and threw her hands in the air.
“ isn’t it going to be great? We are going to be roomies how great is that?”
“ not so great “ I breathed and coughed.
She snacked a side glance and laughed.
“ You will be fine. It will only take 3 months to finish.” So Mark had kept his word. He had paid the bank its money but why had mother or the bank removed the for sale sign“.
“ sure” I sauntered into the room, her room, the room she had shared with her husband.
“ if only you had not kept secrets we wouldn’t be here” I mumbled so low. The room quietened, the air crystallized, and my breath hitched in my throat. I felt the shuffling of mother’s feet become closer, she spun me around.
“ young lady what did you just say” I looked everywhere but her. Her eyes were smuggling, judging me.
“ so you blame me for your idiocy huh? Was I holding a knife for you when you decide to sleep with your brother? Was I the one who forced you to open your legs wide for him? “ her pupils become Drastically become smaller, and her breathing intensified.
“ that’s not what I meant mother”
She shook her head.
“ that is exactly what you meant “
I shook my head.
“ No!”
“ What then did you mean Ivy “ I didn’t mean anything.
“ just thought ” she shook her head. As she walked out.
“ that went well.” I sighed as I unpacked y belongings.
“ I might as well make myself at home” I sighed as I unpacked my clothes.
After a long nap, I strolled into the kitchen where my mother was.
“ afternoon,” I said as I grabbed a water glass, opened the tap and let water pour into the glass.
“ evening” she muttered. I swayed my eyes to the clock and it was saying half-past six. Had I been asleep for so long then.
“ evening l mumbled” she spared no glance at me rather she threw a massive envelope.
“ What is this?” I said as I pulled the envelope closer to me.
I stared at the initials on the letter
“ To Ivy
From state University” I stared at it. I had dropped out of school. I thought everything was going according to plan.
I tore the envelope apart. I sighed as I opened it.
‘Letter Of Acceptance ‘ I read out allowed.
“ I didn’t apply, “ I said slowly.
“ Ma" she looked straight ahead, something in her posture told me a story I didn’t want to listen to.
“ I applied on your behalf" her voice was a mare whisper.
“ why?” I didn’t want to go back to school not yet. I needed to figure myself out. I needed more time. I had a child to take care of.
“ why what?” I shook my head.
“ don’t you think you are going too far? You came and took me from my house…”
“it's Mark’s house, not yours. You need a future, you are barely twenty and you have done a degree, not a diploma. Now Mark has abandoned you thank God he took his child otherwise..”
“ Ma, that’s enough. What is going on between Mark and me has nothing to do with you? You shouldn’t interfere. “ I threw the envelope at the kitchen counter.
“ and this… I don’t want to go back to school, I am tired I have a baby to take care of, I am going to use Mark for taking custody of a child that hasn’t reached eighteen years yet.” She shook her head
“ you have a lot to learn dear child. I think it’s best if you go to school, fighting for that child is a lost battle as it is.” I knew what she was talking about. What she meant.
“ you don’t have the funds to fight for that child. Your marriage failed before it even started, I think you need to focus on yourself.” I nodded
“ I cooked” she smiled as she stood up.
“ thank you but I am full,” I said as I stood up. Was this it?
“ Just because you were used doesn’t mean you don’t have to eat,” she said as she flashed her big smile.
“ When dad left you, did you eat or did you go into depression?” I retorted back.
“ Ivy..” I clicked my tongue as I walked out. It was in our genes to be used and dumped by men. It was in our blood.
“ Do not make me feel bad, I am already feeling bad, I feel like a shit mom. My wedding just got cancelled, Mark…” I took a heavy breath.
“ Mark goes to the club on the day our wedding goes south and then dumps me, mom. He took my child away from me. The only child I have and ever will. Do you think I don’t feel sh?t. I feel like I am drowning in my pain!” I sighed.
“ I don’t need you or anybody else to make me feel like shit cause I already am shit. What is the use of a degree or diploma right now? He took everything.” I screamed.
“ I tried mother, tried to make him see me as a woman, as his woman but no he had a redhead on his arms.”
“ he is your brother Ivy,” I felt the dislocation of my jaws. The sting of her slap lingered longer than expected.
“ He was my lover's mother, mine but I guess it was just one-sided.” I shrugged my shoulder.
“ slap me as much as you want but it won’t change the fact that I can’t bear children anymore or the fact that I am heartbroken” I shrugged my shoulders slightly.
“ I am a tired mother” she inky stared at me, her hands shaking beside her.
“ I am exhausted, and I just want to rest. The past year has been traumatic for me. I just need rest” she nodded as tears gushed out of my eyes.
“ I understand but you brought this upon yourself” she glared at me. I knew that fact very well. If things had not gone the way they had maybe I would have been in a different situation.

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