She snorts. "Liar." I roll my eyes and snuggle closer into Micah's chest. We're all wearing thick coats, but that doesn't stop the heat of his body burning me. 

Flashes of his abs return to my brain. I jump up in a second. "Ah, anyway, we've got more questions to solve." Aiden passes me the papers with questions, who are all filled in.

With a surprised face, I look up at him, but he shrugs it off. "They were easy," he dismisses. I look at Ada, because um hello, they weren't! She pulls me closer, between her and Aiden. I immediately blush at the proximity.

"Aiden here has a very high IQ. Too smart to be fun," she adds with a hint of a smile. I look at Aiden with big eyes. "That's so cool! That's why you teach advanced math! Tell me pi!"

He grins and surprised me by leaning down to whisper something in my ear. "Pi is boring. I use my brain to memorize reactions. By example, I know when I do this," he drops a kiss on my nose," you'll turn red."

My mind goes blank, but sure enough, I feel the heat of a blush go from my neck to my cheeks. I hide it with my mittens though. "That's because I'm cold!" We both know it's not, but I could at least try, right?

"Whatever floats your boat," he shrugs. But he goes on. "I know that if I kiss you know, you'll be stuttering for at least ten minutes after. Or am I wrong about that, too?"

He so is not wrong about that. But I can't just admit that. "Um—I—n-no—" "He does!" Sebastian calls from behind us. I don't dare to look, though I want to give him a glare. Bastard.

Aiden smirks. "Want to prove us wrong?" I blink. My mind is gone. Like, I can't even think. I can only stare at his lips.

Then those lips move closer and before I know it, they're locked on mine. My startled gasp is devoured by them. Aiden's hands cup my cheeks, keeping me in place while he kisses me. 

Everybody stay calm. It's only Aiden, one of the hottest men on earth. No big deal. Pretty normal. He just fell for my charms. I have lots of those. So it's easy to kiss me. Because I have lots of charms. Yes. Right.

The lips start moving and soon enough, I'm melting in his hold. He's clearly used to taking control of kisses, and I couldn't love it more. My eyes close, my throaty noises getting sucked up by him.

Then he's pulling away, and I'm pretty sure I whimpered. Oh God. I frown, wanting to stay like that forever. Maybe not in the cold, but the kiss was burning me up from the inside. The good kind.

"W-what?" I mutter. With a smug smirk, he completely untangles from me. He knows damn well which effect he has on me. "You okay? You look a bit red."

I hide my cheeks again. "Y-yes, of-of course. Why wouldn't I be?" Goddamn, I'm fucking stuttering. Stupid, attractive, high IQ man.

"Can I try?" Micah joins in our conversation. My eyes widen. "I'm—questions! Yes! We h-have to do questions!" 

Wait a fucking minute. I look at Aiden with narrowed eyes, and he confirms with another smirk. He didn't fill them in to help me. He filled them in to have spare time to do this.

Micah is already grabbing my face before I progress it. I gasp. "W-wha—oh—"

"I've been waiting way too fucking long," he whispers before colliding our mouths. It starts off sweet, but clearly, that's not what he wants. The kiss roughens, with him biting my lip and dominating my whole mouth.

Okay, I decided I want a black casket. Cause I'm quite literally dead. Dropped on the floor. Oh God. I'm gonna melt in this puddle. 

No. Did I just moan? My eyes snap open, to look at Micah, and I almost die again. His cheeks are slightly flushed pink. His brows are pushed together a bit, but not in a frown. It's more in delight.

Then he pulls back, looks in both of my eyes and winks. Seriously, are they trying to get me dead or what? What is happening?

"I-I-uh-I," I stutter, trying to form words. Could I get some help here, please?

"Y-you broke my brain," I blurt out and immediately regret it. It's the truth, but they didn't need to know that. 

Laughing, Sebastian pulls me to his side. "Give the poor boy a break before he drops dead on the floor." Oh hell no. They're mind readers now too?

Giving me some time to adjust, he rests his hand on my waist as we walk. I blink a few times, trying to get myself under control. 

"Ada!" I suddenly blurt, and look around for her. I've kissed everyone but Ada. Is she upset now? I don't want her to be. 

She looks up from her phone, eyes cutting to me. Her tight smile softens in an honest one. "Hey, baby. Aw, are you missing me? I know I'm great, but Seb is a good second place, don't you think?"

I blush, she grins and Seb scowls. She lifts her arm to invite me in a side hug, and I immediately obey. Her hugs are fantastic.

"Sanders. I was gonna ask him something," Sebastian grunts. I glance at him. He looks serious, and also impatient. 

Ada grins. "Well, then make sure he doesn't run before you can ask it, yeah? Let's go, boy, I'm cold," she adds, talking to me now. 

I give Seb an apologetic look. He's glaring at the ground now, grumbling things I don't understand. Micah rolls his eyes at him. "Dude. You only have 25% of him, accept it." 

"Shut up."

"Bro, you're acting like—"

"Shut. Up."

"Well, at least I'm hot, so Ada would pass him to me if I asked and—"

"If you don't fucking shut up right now, I'm gonna slice your dick off and feed it to you."

Micah shuts up. 

I snicker, turning back to look ahead of me. "So, um, what are we gonna do when we get back? Cause we're early, so we have, like, two hours spare."

Aiden's smirk catches me off guard. "We're gonna look into things. Rules, or things I should memorize. Especially what we should memorize."

The wink he adds to those words has me shuddering in anticipation.

Deliciously Destroyed | 18+Where stories live. Discover now