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*Big Time skip Sorry*

-Friday March 31st-

Tomorrow is April Fool's Day, or Pesce d'Aprile. Which translates to April Fish. In Italy it's common to prank people by drawing a fish on a piece of paper and sticking it on someone's back. Essentially, it stays on their back till someone notices and asks. It's really funny. Especially when April Fools falls on a school day. Sadly, this year it's on the weekend.

At home, Aunt Stella, Uncle Ricco, Bella, Matteo and I do sort of the 'American' April Fool's day pranks. We've even roped our friends into it.

I am the hardest one to prank, so every year they try to get me and if someone does, then I give them 20 euros. So far, only 1 person has ever been able to prank me in the six years I've been here. And that was Matteo.

I kinda wish that Rafael and I were still fake dating so we could 'break up'. I mean, we could do that now, but like I don't want Matteo to kill Rafael sooo. Plus Rafael and I discussed it and we agreed we were not gonna pull break up pranks cause that could get messy real fast.

Gabby and I are trying to plan a prank that gets Amara and Matteo to kiss. I have no idea how Gabby and I will pull off a prank like that, but we're still going to try. It'll be April and they are STILL not together. I really thought the Ferris Wheel would have done it but no. They need to be together by the time next school year starts. I am setting them up. Like at this point, we just want them to get together to end our suffering. Is this how everyone felt before Rafael and I got together? Probably.

Right now I'm sitting at my desk trying to google pranks I can pull. I do have to work in the morning from nine to twelve, but I should be able to pull pranks when I get home. I'm going to do the fish prank on Matteo, since he's also working from nine to twelve. Coming home, I'll have to be careful though. Can't let anyone get me.

I'm scrolling through a website when I feel my phone buzz. It's a text from Gabby.

Gabby: Since we're all coming over at 4 tmrw, what if we put up mistletoe and when Amara comes, have Matteo get the door? So they have to kiss because of the mistletoe.

Do you know how ridiculous that sounds? One they might not see the mistletoe. And 2 it's April! Where are we going to find mistletoe?

Gabby: Good point. That was my only idea, though. What are we going to do?

I have no idea

Gabby: Lol you know what would be funny. If they are secretly dating and at like 1:59 at night, they're going to tell us they have been acting all shy towards each other all day to make us think they weren't.

That would be the stupidest prank ever. I don't think what you said even makes sense!

Gabby: Yeah. But like they could be planning something. Cause it would prank you and they would both get the money.

Yeah, you're right. I'll just have to be careful. I know Rafael's going to try something he always does. Last year he tried to do the fish prank, but I felt him put the fish on and ripped it off.

Gabby: Lol I remember that. We are definitely a chaotic group of people.

You think?

Anyway, I gtg eat dinner. Text me if you come up with anymore ideas to solve the Amara and Rafael situation.

Gabby: I will ttyl

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