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*I am sorry for the super long time skip but I felt this was going way too slow day by day. So now it's October!*

"Okay, everyone, so you might wonder why I have brought you all here today." I say, taking a seat at the kitchen table.

"Why do I feel like I'm part of some spy movie or something?" Gabby laughs.

"Let me finish." I whine.

"Okay fine, continue."

"So as you all know, today is October 18th, meaning tomorrow is October 19th aka Bella's 8th birthday. Matteo and I always throw her a big birthday party. And we will continue that tradition, except you all are helping because Matteo and I were so busy with school this week we totally forgot to plan it. And now we have to do it all in one day, meaning we need all hands on deck."

"Who the heck signed me up for this? Matteo!" Rafael huffs.

"Bro, for once, this wasn't me. YOUR girlfriend planned all this, so ya know, blame her." Oh yeah, I forgot Rafael and I are still fake dating. Emma STILL hasn't got the hint and left him alone. Honestly, at this rate, we might go until the end of the school year.

"Alright, so who's helping?" I ask.

"I'll help. Bella is so sweet and It will be fun to plan her a party!" Amara says

Gabby shrugs, "Sure, why not? One question where is Bella?"

"She's with our mom at the restaurant today."

"Got it."

"So Rafael, you helping or not?" I ask.

"Why aren't any of Matteo's other friends helping?" Rafael asks, annoyed.

"He has other friends?"

"Wow Nat. Touche." Matteo says in mock hurt.

"Fine!" Rafael sighs. "I'm in."

"Yay! Okay, so obviously I'm in charge of dessert. Aunt Stella is in charge of food. Cause it's supposed to be nice tomorrow where gonna set table and chairs up on the beach. So Matteo and Rafael, you two are in charge of setup. Aunt Stella has already contacted all of Bella's school friends. Which leaves Amara and Gabby. Amara, you can help the boys with setup and buying decorations because I don't trust either of them. And Gabby, do you think you could entertain Bella all day while we set up? The party is at 3, so that's when you can bring her to the beach."

"Eye eye captain." Amara says and salutes.

"Why do we need to be supervised? Decorations can't be that hard!"

"Cause Matteo, I know you and Rafael pretty well. And by pretty well, I mean well enough to know you'll screw something up somehow."

"I mean Nat's not wrong Matteo." Rafael laughs.

"I guess you're right." Matteo mutters, thinking I didn't hear him.

"Okay everyone, I guess this meeting is adjourned then. Everyone meets at the house first around 7-8ish before we start set up. Got it?"

"Got it." Everyone says and then gets up from the table.

"Bye! See you tomorrow Nat!" Gabby and Amara say before leaving.

"Bye girls!"

"I should go help my mom at the restaurant. It's Saturday, so she is probably swamped even with Bella and dad there." Matteo says, grabbing his house keys and phone off the counter.

"Okay. See you tonight." Now it's just me and Rafael left in the kitchen.

"So are you going to head out too?" I ask. "I'm sure you have something to do with your siblings. Also, can you ask Anita to come around 2 o'clock tomorrow to help me bring the desserts and stuff to the beach? The twins don't need to come early. Knowing them, they would cause a mess, or at least Carlo would."

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